81 ; the leaving feast

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Pettigrew approached the two Hogwarts students, who both scrambled to find their feet, to support their own weights before the ropes were untied. Pettigrew raised his new silver hand, pulled out the wad of material from Harry's mouth, and then, with one swipe, cut through the bonds tying Harry and Y/N to the gravestone. Pettigrew glared at Y/N to stay put — he motioned for a Death Eater to guard her; Mr. Malfoy stepped forward, his white-blonde hair glimmering like silver under his mask.

Slipping behind Y/N, he clasped his hands over her shoulders tightly as they watched. Everything from there seemed like a blur to Y/N — one moment, she was watching Harry and Voldemort duel, the next, Mr. Malfoy was shoving her into Harry's arms, and before she could blink, the familiar tug of a portkey taking off found her.

Y/N could only focus on the ringing in her ears as she, Harry and — Cedric's body? — landed on a floor of blurred soft grass. Her head pounded like a drum as a wave of nausea washed over her, but she swallowed down the urge to retch, watching the recent scenes play over and over again in her head. She dared not to think as her vision doubled before darkening, her ears tuning out the shouts for her to stay awake as she allowed her eyes to drift shut.

Y/N woke up abruptly, her breaths shallow as she stared at the empty darkness behind her eyelids. A steady soreness restricted her movements as she fidgeted upon a soft platform, her eyes gently fluttering open against her own will, and her ears opening up to the sounds around her.

"They'll wake them if they don't shut up!"

"What are they shouting about? Nothing else can have happened, can it?"

The outlines of Mrs. Weasley and Bill stood closeby, both standing. Glancing slightly over at a small weight on her bedside, Y/N found Mrs. Malfoy and Draco sitting, identical sneers on their faces as they watched the Weasley pair. Ron, Hermione, Daphne, Theodore, and Blaise stood in the distance, also watching Mrs. Weasley and Bill.

"That's Fudge's voice," Mrs. Weasley whispered. "And that's Minerva McGonagall's isn't it? But what are they arguing about?"

Now Y/N could hear them too: people shouting and running toward the hospital wing.

"Regrettable, but all the same, Minerva —" Cornelius Fudge was saying loudly.

"You should have never brought it inside the castle!" yelled Professor McGonagall. "When Dumbledore finds out —"

Y/N heard the hospital doors burst open. Unnoticed by any of the people around her bed, all of whom were staring at the door, Y/N sat up and rubbed her eyes, swallowing dryly from the lack of water. She looked down at her right hand; Draco's cold hand was loosely laced in it, hidden under the folds of the blanket wrapped around her. Her lip curled ever so slightly.

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