48 ; snape's demise

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"Here we come!" Hermione whispered.

She, Harry, and Y/N got to their feet. Buckbeak raised his head. They saw Lupin, Ron, and Pettigrew clambering awkwardly out of the hole in the roots, followed by the unconscious Snape drifting weirdly upward. Next came Harry, Hermione, Black, Y/N, and Goldfish. They all began to walk toward the castle.

"Harry," Y/N whispered lowly, knowing exactly what he was thinking, "Harry, we've got to stay put. We must not be seen. There's nothing we can do without making a serious mistake. . . ."

"So we're just going to let Pettigrew escape all over again. . . ." said Harry quietly.

"I'm sorry, but we have to," said Y/N, taking his hand in her. "We have to keep the timeline consistent. Besides, if we change it, things could turn out even worse than intended! I know you want to live with Sirius but right now, you can't and that's just the way it has to be."

Harry sighed.

"There goes Lupin," Hermione whispered. "He's transforming –"

"Hermione!" said Harry suddenly. "We've got to move!"

"We mustn't, I keep telling you –"

"Not to interfere! Lupin's going to run into the forest, right at us!"

Hermione gasped.

"Quick!" she groaned, dashing to untie Buckbeak. "Quick! Where are we going to go? Where are we going to hide? The dementors will be coming any moment –"

"Back to Hagrid's!" Harry said. "It's empty now – come on!"

They ran as fast as they could, Buckbeak cantering along behind them. They could hear the werewolf howling behind them. . . .

The cabin was in sight; Harry skidded to the door, wrenched it open, and Y/N, Hermione, and Buckbeak flashed past him; he threw himself in after them and bolted the door. Fang the boarhound barked loudly.

"Shh, Fang, it's us!" said Hermione, hurrying over and scratching his ears to quiet him. "That was really close!" she said to Harry and Y/N.

"Yeah . . ."

Harry was looking out of the window. Buckbeak seemed very happy to find himself back inside Hagrid's house. He lay down in front of the fire, folded his wings contentedly, and seemed ready for a good nap.

"I think I'd better go outside again, you know," said Harry slowly. "I can't see what going on – we won't know when it's time –"

Hermione looked up. Her expression was suspicious, and Y/N, too, couldn't help but have suspicions.

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