85 ; prefects' carriage

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The rest of the summer was as eventful as any other summer. That meant, of course, that it was as full as a bucket of toads, and left Y/N feeling exhausted by the time September first rolled around. She, without a doubt, was not ready for the school year to start.

Considering the punctuality difference between the Weasley's and Y/N, she didn't bother trying to get to King's Cross with them. Instead, she and Anthony and Grandmother Gertrude arrived via car at eight fifty-two a.m., two and a half hours early. The train station, however, was still jam-packed with students and guardians alike. The usual, welcoming fog of steam billowed around them as they navigated through the tides of wizards, and Anthony and Y/N were soon forced to depart from Grandmother Gertrude early on in order to find their way on the train before the nine o'clock wave of wizards greeted them.

Instead of finding her usual compartment that she rode, Y/N found the prefect's carriage (while leaving Goldfish with Anthony and Koi), considering Snape made her one because of her "outstanding grades" and "impeccable ability to keep control".

She knew he only made her one because of Dumbledore.

Dumbledore wanted her to keep an eye on Harry and make sure he doesn't lash out. He also wanted her to keep him in check like a fucking toddler, and make sure he doesn't try to get information that would make him question Dumbledore. Y/N thought that was bloody stupid. She had her own schedule, why should she take time out of her day to babysit Harry? Don't get her wrong, she loved her best friend and all, but she had things to do with her life too. She couldn't wait around and correct Harry just because Dumbledore needed her to.

Hannah Abbott and Anthony Goldstein were the only other two prefects in the carriage so far, who both sent friendly waves to her as she sat on the green bench, sitting close to the window. She smiled in response, her eyes flicking down to Goldstein's uncompleted summer homework and Abbott's book briefly. From her robes she pulled a stack of business inquiries and contracts she'd brought along to continue signing (she was only a quarter of the way through from the summer trips Anthony had taken!), a pen in her dominant hand as she set it on the table in front of her. Sighing, Y/N started to read over the letters briefly, signing her name next to Anthony's parchment by parchment.

She'd just rejected an absurd proposal from a wealthy wizard in Mongolia (who'd wanted to take control over her ports and not even give her ten percent of the profits) when the carriage door slid open once more, and in stepped Draco Malfoy, his blonde hair slightly longer and combed back attractively. Her hand slipped as she wrote the big 'X' where her signature would've been, leaving a long ink mark across the parchment. She cursed, clearing it away with her wand and rewriting her refusal. It'd been two months since she'd last seen him, despite her frequent lunches with Mrs. Malfoy, and, to put it simply, things changed. He changed. Matured.

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