16 ; bookshops and libraries and flourish and blotts ✔︎

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It wasn't the first time Y/N and Hermione got into a heated argument over something incredibly stupid. This time, it was over Hermione coming into Y/N's room (which she had moved into over the summer) and stealing the book Y/N got from Professor Snape to write her essay on. In Y/N's defense, she still had ten inches to write and she's been busy, as always, with summer camps and catching up with her Muggle friends – plus going to the Weasleys' for a weekend. She only had a month to finish, and her handwriting was small.

"I thought I told you I didn't want you taking anything from me unless you asked," growled Y/N from the top of the stairs.

Hermione, who was in the lounge, rolled her eyes. "I'm your sister, I'm allowed."

"Not when I need that for my homework!" Y/N snarled. "If I have to put a protection spell on my room I will!"

"But you can't do magic out of Hogwarts, so ha!" Hermione said annoyingly.

"I'm a Slytherin, I'm allowed!"

Goldfish, who was calmly watching the exchange, jumped up and snatched the book from Hermione's hand. He pattered away and up the stairs to Y/N, who gladly took it from him and gave his head a loving pat. With a last huff of irritation, Y/N stormed to her bedroom with Goldfish by her side and slammed the door shut, locking it. She placed the book on her desk and jammed her chair into her doorknob.

Y/N went to jump on her bed, but Harry's birthday gift sat atop it. Her feeling of annoyance turned into sadness. Harry Potter, her best friend, hadn't written or replied to her all summer, neither had he sent anything to Ron or Hermione. He couldn't possibly have forgotten them?

She decided the best plan of action was to find Harry in Diagon Alley and give it to him there – if not Diagon Alley, then Hogwarts. Either way, she would find him and get to the bottom of his silence.

She opened her window and climbed out onto her roof. Sliding the ladder in front of her, she climbed down, while Goldfish jumped straight from the roof. After all, he was a magical dog, so it was no surprise he could do magical things.

Y/N walked into town with Goldfish trailing next to her. Without having to look left and right down the street, she walked into Graham Hopp Coffee Shoppe and approached the front counter.

"The usual?" the girl, no older than twenty, asked sweetly.

Y/N smiled and nodded, pulling a few pounds from her skirt pocket. They exchanged items and Y/N went to sit on the window-sofa with Goldfish laying across her lap. He lazily lapped up his whipped cream, whole Y/N thoughtfully sipped her iced coffee and nibbled on her strawberry scone.

She finished both half an hour later and checked her watch. Her curfew was six; it was two. She had a good four hours before she needed to be home, but could go no further than town – she couldn't even visit the other neighborhoods to visit Harry, but it was what it was.

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