90 ; the quidditch locker rooms

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Thursday passed in a flash, with even more homework to do. Transfiguration, Astronomy, Arithmancy, and History of Magic had her day long and boring, with the only thing looking forward to doing being Quidditch Tryouts later that day. Y/N had successfully evaded Draco, once more, but she didn't know whether that was a good thing or a bad thing.

Y/N set up the Quidditch Pitch by herself early on, already dressed and ready, waiting for the players trying out. Tryouts would be the exact same as in her third year, with only a few changes. She just hoped that she could continue avoiding Draco, but she didn't find that at all possible unless he didn't know up; she still had to clean up after tryouts, and that was the perfect opportunity for him.

He looked even more attractive in his uniform than when Y/N had last seen him in it — which was two years ago. His muscles had filled out significantly, causing the fabric to stretch over his arms in a way that had given Y/N the inkling to mount her broom, which vibrated as it hovered. She didn't, however, instead instructing the new players on how that afternoon would work.

Y/N had half a mind as she wove throughout the groups, keeping an eye on everyone as they played their best game. Even throughout their mock scrimmage she was slightly out of it, though she still played well against their substitutes. In the end, she'd been able to successfully create a team, with backup players to go along.

Y/N didn't see Draco all while cleaning up the pitch, leaving her relieved as she magicked the chest of training balls up on the highest shelf in the changing rooms. She was exhausted — all week she either had homework, her prefect duties, and not to mention, she'd been letting her work from the Grace property pile up for quite some time now. What she needed was a full night's sleep and a stress-free day, but neither of those had come easy for her since, well, who knew? Definitely not her.

She'd been about to exit the changing rooms, her protective gear off, and trudge up to the castle when the door suddenly swung open in her face, and two familiar hands pushed her back into the locker rooms, a foot slamming the door behind them. She bit her tongue, swallowing down her spit as a pair of cold, silvery eyes bore into hers.

"You've been avoiding me," Draco drawled out softly, his grip on her waist tightening. Y/N grunted softly. "Why?"

"Maybe if you weren't such a moron, you'd know," she spat out, her eyes narrowed. Irritation made itself evident on his face and he sharply turned her around, softly slamming her into the wall. She groaned at the harshness, her cheek pressed against the cold stone. "You're such an arse."

"I'm an arse, huh?" he growled in her ear, his grip tightening. "You haven't talked to me since Monday and you think I'm the arsehole here? Bullshit."

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