52 ; tins alley

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Early the next morning, at the crack of dawn, the tapping of a small beak at Y/N's large windows jolted her awake. Rolling over, she groaned and let her eyes fall once more, hugging Anthony, who still slept soundly next to her. However, the tapping didn't cease. Instead, it continued and Y/N made a sort of 'hmph!' sound, sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

She sighed irritably as her legs kicked over the side of her bed, her socked feet falling into plush slippers as she pulled her arms into a silk robe, covering her satin tank top and shorts. Pattering over to the towering french doors, Y/N softly creaked open one of the doors, holding her arm out of the owl to flutter onto.

With the silky-feathered owl perched on her arm, Y/N swiftly made her way over to her seemingly-infinite walk-in closet, which was divided into aisles, from accessories to dresses to overrobes to pants. She hid in the shoe aisle, which surrounded her with hundreds of pairs of heels and boots, stating her status as the filthy rich heiress to the Graces'.

The owl faintly hooted, dropping an envelope in Y/N's lap. It hopped off her arm and settled itself on the bench next to her, looking over her arm, curious. Amused, Y/N tore open the envelope, unfolding the parchment to see it was from Daphne.


Mum and Blaise's mother decided today would be a good day to get your appearance altered, seeing as tomorrow's the funeral and they want you to look your best when you see off your parents and aunt. Don't worry, they aren't going to make you look unrecognizable, they're just going to enhance your natural beauty.

Anyway, me, mum, Theo, Blaise and his mum, and Draco and his mum are going to be at your place by six-thirty to come pick you up so we can take you to Tins Alley – a lot of pretentious hoes go there, but most of us rich girls have to, to get what we call a Heather Makeover. I'm pretty sure you know who the Heathers are, but they're American bitches if you didn't know.

I just wanted to let you know before we leave so you're not scrambling around your manor. We can't get there by floo because mum said your fireplaces are blocked off for yours and Anthony's protection. Which makes sense, I guess, but it's really inconvenient Either way, we're all going to be there by six-thirty (I think) and mum said we'll have just enough time during the day for a short lunch, so I think she wants you to eat breakfast before we arrive. Also, after your makeover, Mum said she and everyone else will help move your stuff from your old home with Hermione to Grace Manor.

See ya!

D. O. Greengrass

P.S. mum wanted me to tell you to dress casually because we have to go through the Muggle world – oh, and no makeup.

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