69 ; the ukrainian ironbelly

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Y/N got up on Sunday morning, feeling rather nauseous as she grabbed a change of clothes and stumbled over to the bathroom, locking it. Stripping to her undergarments, she splashed cold water on her face and looked up at herself, panting.

Draco's hickeys had darkened considerably since yesterday, into deep, dark bluish-purple spots, all over her neck, collarbone, shoulders, and the top of her bust. There could've been about fifty to a hundred; either way, if Y/N wasn't careful enough, then everybody would see then.

Falling to the toilet, Y/N emptied her stomach, not realizing the racket she'd been making.

"Y/N?" came Daphne's voice. Paling, Y/N looked towards the door before another wave of nausea crashed over her. She hunched over the toilet once again. "Y/N! Are you okay? Unlock the door! Y/N!"

Daphne pounded on the door and Y/N scrambled for her clothes, but Daphne was faster. With a quick 'Alohomora' Daphne was in the bathroom, quickly looking around before finding Y/N on the floor and the toilet soiled.

"Oh, dear," Daphne cooed before shutting the door and scurrying over to squat next to Y/N. "Are you okay? Are you —"

Then she saw the hickeys.

"Er — are those from — uhh — who are those from, Y/N?"

"Who else!" Y/N cried before taking over the toilet once more.

Daphne pulled her hair out of her face and clipped it up, rubbing her back comfortingly as Y/N spit out the last of it. Leaning against the sink, Y/N accepted a glass of water Daphne had conjured up, her throat sore and her stomach empty. Daphne sat across from Y/N, her back leaning against the wall. She tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Y//N chuckled darkly. "About what — the task or the hickeys?"

"Both," Daphne shrugged.

Y/N sighed, and started to talk.

It wasn't until the last hour of breakfast did Y/N and Daphne come into the Great Hall, Y/N dressed in a black turtleneck and blue jeans, her Slytherin scarf wrapped around her neck several times. Draco grinned as she walked in.

"I'm not talking to him," Y/N grumbled to Daphne as they sat, and grabbed several slices of toast. "Fucking hoe."

"I think it's funny," said Daphne, who had made a large plate. "Well — just don't let anyone find out . . . and don't let him give you anymore until those have healed — also . . . please don't shag him, Y/N. You're only fifteen."

"Daphne I don't think I'll be shagging him until I'm like, thirty," Y/N said queasily as the Hall started to empty. Theodore and Blaise came over, sitting next to them. "Now that you're all here. . . . I found out what the first task is — dragons."

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