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Y/N's potion was going well – they had started to create several different recipes, and were now testing them on ownerless rats (so helpfully supplied by Goldfish and Crookshanks). To say the least, Y/N had a vendetta against any rats or mice or anything of the sort, seeing as the last time she trusted a rat, it turned out to be a cowardly traitor.

Sadly, none of the recipes, so far, have worked. The test subjects either blew up, drowned, turned into half-worms, or just disappeared from existence. It didn't help that classes were still in attendance (how dare the school year continue!), but Y/N was keeping her cool, correcting her mistakes and fixing any measurements.

And then a month and a half passed, and it was already the evening before the task. Now, Y/N was panicking – THE TASK WAS THE NEXT DAY, and she didn't have a backup plan. Maybe she could write to Mrs. Malfoy again, the last time she had sent her a letter wasn't too long ago, just a few nights ago . . .

"Y/N! Y/N! It's working, look!" Anthony said excitedly, watching the rat swim around in the basin.

Her heart skipping, Y/N scurried over from banging her head on the wall and peered inside; sure enough, like he said, her potion was working. She didn't get her hopes up too high, however, because many times before (such as attempt numbers 7, 38, 46, 82, 168, 234, and 467), everything had half-worked, and then it went downhill.

"Where's the timer?" she said hurriedly, keeping her eyes on the rat.

"I've got it," said Daphne, shaking with anticipation.

Five minutes passed . . . then ten . . . twenty . . . twenty-five . . . .

At the thirty-minute mark, the door creaked open, startling them – Theodore and Blaise walked in, whistling. Y/N half-wished they had brought snacks with them but thought against it – even the tiniest crumb could mess up her whole potion, and she didn't want to risk anything.

"Snape's looking for you, Anthony," they said suspiciously, and mysteriously backed out of the room.

"Dammit!" he groaned, dragging his hands down his face. "I wanted to see if it worked or not! Stupid, stupid Snape!"

Y/N waved him off, not taking her eyes away from the still-swimming rat. "Go, Anthony, I'll tell you if it did. And how many times do I have to tell you to watch that mouth of yours?"

Soon after Anthony had left, the rat sunk to the bottom of the basin, and Y/N groaned, thinking it was dead. But –

"Y/N, look! It's walking around, it's not dead!"

Her eyes shot open, refocusing on the rat. It was, in fact, walking around the bottom of the basin, trotting along the perimeter of it with unlost energy. Y/N's heart seemed to be running miles as the time passed. Daphne refused to tell her how long the rat had been underwater, but it wasn't until Y/N saw little bubbles rise to the surface of the water did she quickly pull the little rat out, tapping the water out of its lungs and looking expectantly at Daphne.

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