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When the post arrived the next morning, Y/N was disgusted to see that yet another article had been written about her, glorifying her above Hermione's situation.

Young Slytherin Heir Morally Superior than Gryffindor Ex-Sister?

It's no question that Slytherin House turns out more than its fair share of dark witches and wizards, writes Rita Skeeter, but have we finally stumbled across a Slytherin – a direct descendant of Salazar Slytherin himself, no doubt – whose morals align with public interest more than the average Gryffindor?

Gryffindor fourth-year Hermione Granger, known to play with famous teen boys' hearts, seems more like a villain than a hero to the public eye as we compare her relationships to Miss Y/N Grace's. Granger, who's had two (maybe more?) boyfriends in the span of two weeks, seems one-hundred percent more scandalous than her ex-sister, who's stayed loving and faithful to the one and only Draco Malfoy, her fiancé. Sources state that Miss Y/N Grace had never had a boyfriend before him, and we can only assume she'll never have one after him, either, with how much in love they look.

In a survey conducted this previous week, 99 percent of adult women would tell teenage girls to idolize and want Miss Y/N Grace and her fiancé's relationship, compared to Hermione Granger and her several. It's only assumed that these results stem from the photographs taken over the past months of the two, from Miss Y/N Grace's parents' funeral to their past trip to the American school, Ilvermorny (collection of images on page 36 of Witch Weekly). Although most agree fifteen is a tender age to get engaged, lots of witches and wizards around the world simply cannot wait to witness the wedding of the couple, schedule date unknown.

So when talking to your teenage girls about boyfriends, don't forget to mention that they'd want a love like the one Miss Y/N Grace has, instead of jumping around from guy to guy like Hermione Granger!

Y/N slammed her paper down, fuming. How dare Skeeter insinuate Hermione was a slut! And degrading Slytherin House as well? Merlin, she wanted to send Rita Skeeter a big fat hex in the mail!

"I knew he was your boyfriend!" Malcolm Baddock hissed as he approached Y/N, a newspaper in hand. "And you told me he wasn't!"

"You're just now finding out, Baddock?" Y/N said incredulously, watching Hermione run out of the Hall with boils all over her hands. Her brows furrowed. "Everyone's known for months that we're engaged."

Malcolm froze.


"Mhm," Y/N smirked, holding up her hand and showing him the ring. "We actually got engaged in our first year, so not entirely recently."

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