72 ; all bark and no bite

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Despite the very heavy load of homework that the fourth years had been given for the holidays, Y/N was in no mood to work when term ended, and spent the week leading up to Christmas enjoying herself as fully as possible along with everyone else. The Inter-House Common Room was hardly less crowded now than during term-time; it seemed to have shrunk slightly too, as its inhabitants were being so much rowdier than usual – mostly the Gryffindors, though.

Fred and George had had a great success with their – what was it called? – ah, Canary Creams. For the first couple of days of the holidays, people kept bursting into feather all over the place. Before long, however, all the students had learned to treat food anybody else offered them with extreme caution, in case it had a Canary Cream concealed in the center, and George confided in Y/N that he and Fred were now working on developing something else. Y/N made a mental note to never accept so much as a crisp from Fred and George in the future – she still hadn't forgotten Dudley and the Ton-Tongue Toffee. But perhaps it was lucky that Theodore and Blaise so graciously volunteered themselves as testers, much to the twins' delight.

Snow was falling thickly upon the castle and its grounds now. The pale blue Beauxbatons carriage looked like a large, chilly, frosted pumpkin next to the iced gingerbread house that was Hagrid's cabin, while the Durmstrang ship's portholes were glazed with ice, the rigging white with frost. The house-elves down in the kitchen were outdoing themselves with a series of rich, warming stews and savory puddings, and only Fleur seemed to be able to find anything to complain about.

"It is too 'eavy, all zis food," she said grumpily to Y/N and Daphne, who she joined at the end of dinner. John was with her too, and stared longingly at Y/N. She glared at him. "I will not fit into my dress robes!"

"Nah," Y/N shook her head. "You go running around the black lake every morning, Fleur. You'll be just fine — better than fine, actually. Miss Veela."

Fleur's lips quirked and she narrowed her eyes playfully at Y/N.

"You cannot be saying anyzing, Y/N," she said smoothly, waving her hand and shaking her head. Her hair shimmered in the low light. "You look — ah, what's ze word? — perfect? Yes, yes — you look perfect wherever you go, Miss Y/N."

Y/N grinned and they said their goodnights as the Beauxbatons students headed for their carriage while the Slytherins took off for the dungeons.

"Letter for you, Y/N," one of the Slytherin prefects smiled and handed Y/N an envelope.

"Thank you," she said, and she and Daphne joined Theodore and Blaise before the fireplace. On the envelope was a cranberry-coloured wax seal, with a horned serpent, a wampus, a thunderbird, and a pukwudgie all in the different leaves of a four-leaf clover. Around the clover was writing – "Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry". Humming slightly and recalling the name of the North American wizarding school, Y/N tore open the envelope, and a clover-shaped origami flew out, floating in front of Y/N's face.

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