56 ; anger

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"We kissed."

Hermione glanced up from the book she was reading, looking goofy with the curlers in her hair and the retainer sticking out of her mouth. Her eyebrows drew into a frown as she examined Y/N's tear-stained face, confusion written in her eyes.

"You and -"

"Draco," Y/N sighed and she slugged over to Hermione's bed, crawling under the covers and hugging her tightly. "I gave him my consent and everything. But the worst part is - is that I - I -"

"You what?" Hermione prompted, placing her bookmark in her book and setting it on her nightstand.

"I liked it!" Y/N cried, another wave of tears and embarrassment washing over her. "I fucking liked it and - and I can't get his stupid face out of my mind!"

Hermione stayed quiet for a minute. Then she said, "Tell me everything that happened. From the start."

Y/N explained every single detail of what happened, from him coming into her room to her leaving, and everything in between. Her heart fluttered thinking about what had just happened but then she remembered she was supposed to be absolutely furious at him for forcing her into a marriage she definitely didn't want - all because she was the 'best option'. She didn't even sign up!

"I really don't know what to tell you, Y/N," Hermione sighed, rubbing her temples. "I've never even read a situation like yours - honestly -"

"I don't think anyone's ever read my life to be honest," Y/N said and looked up at the ceiling. Her head pounded as fast as her heart and she closed her eyes, involuntarily falling asleep.

Y/N groaned as she woke, head still pounding rapidly. Looking around, she spotted Hermione with her book laid neatly across her chest, steadily rising and falling with each breath she took. Sighing deeply, Y/N crawled out of bed and headed for the lavatory, taking a quick shower and slipping on a long, cream-colored cotton dress. She contemplated shoes but chose against it - too much noise.

Hermione was still sleeping as Y/N came out of the bathroom, hair done in neat, natural curls, with no makeup on. Not that she needed it - that day in Tins Alley had done her wonders. She quietly left the room, so as to not wake Hermione.

Y/N grabbed her journal from one of the corridor bookshelves, along with a pencil. It felt as though she hadn't written down her thoughts in ages, which didn't seem very healthy, so she took the lift down to the ground floor and grabbed a basket and a floppy sun hat, exiting the castle through the french doors, letting the dogs out in the process.

She passed the outdoor pool and the flower gardens, as well as the Muggle and magical greenhouses. Smiling slightly, she watched as the dogs ran off, some going to annoy the abundance of farm animals, others to accompany the well-paid village workers in the vegetable fields. Y/N herself thought about heading for the Quidditch Pitch they had, but chose against it and made for the fruit farm.

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