27 ; the king of serpents ✔︎

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"All those times we were in that fucking lavatory, and she was just three toilets away," said Blaise bitterly at breakfast next day. "And we could've asked her, and now . . ."

It had been hard enough on Daphne and Y/N trying to look for spiders. Escaping their teachers long enough to 'use the lavatory' was going to be tricky, especially with the both of them going. If things didn't go as they intended (meaning only one of them could go at a time), then Y/N would be the one to go – but they figured teachers would want them going in pairs.

However, something happened in their first lesson, Potions, that drove the Chamber of Secrets out of their minds for the first time in weeks. Ten minutes into the class, Professor Snape told them their exams would start on the first of June, one week from today.

"Exams?" howled Zoe Accrington angrily. "We're still getting exams?"

"Well I've got nothing to worry about, I've been studying and reviewing since March," Y/N muttered to Daphne across the table.

"You have to study to get good grades?" Malfoy scoffed, smirking. "I guess magic comes naturally to some over others."

"You know, there's a reason that I'm Professor Snape's favorite student and you aren't," hissed Y/N, shoving Malfoy with her shoulder.

"The whole point of keeping the school open at this time is for you to receive your education," said Professor Snape in his usual drawl. "The exams will therefore take place as usual, and I trust you are all studying hard."

Professor Snape gave Y/N a somewhat-proud smirk, which she reciprocated after shoving Malfoy in the shoulder once more. Malfoy glared, his eyes heavily glaring at her as she shifted uncomfortably under his gaze.

There was a great deal of mutinous muttering around the room, which made Professor Snape scowl rather meanly.

"Professor Dumbledore's instructions were to keep the school running as normally as possible," he said. "And that, I need hardly point out, means finding out how much you've learned this year. It should be obvious, but if you fail the exams you repeat the year. I expect none of you to fail, however, if you do, I will be sure to make the rest of your years here a living . . . hell."

Y/N grinned. She was one-hundred percent confident in her magical skills and abilities, and believed she would pass the exams with flying colors. Ron and Harry, well, they would at least pass – and Theodore, Blaise, and Daphne had been studying with her so of course they would pass, too. Y/N hoped Malfoy would fail but she knew that was a less-than-one-percent possibility. She hated to admit it, but he actually was smart, and she had found herself doing extra credit more than once to stay top of the class.

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