53 ; pride

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DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY - the previous day

Draco Malfoy swaggered back down the Ministry corridor, a smirk on his face as he brushed off his shoulders. His long fingers dragged effortlessly through his silky hair as he approached the Minister's familiar door (as he had been there many times before, with his father), strutting right through and joining Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, his beloved parents.

"Shall we?" said his father shortly, rising and holding a hand out for Narcissa. She took it in her own and he kissed the back, helping her stand. Narcissa looked at Draco specifically, giving him a look. He almost rolled his eyes. Ever since he's given that stupid ring to that wretched girl, his mother's been trying to teach him how to treat her when she becomes his wife, which would be in two years, unfortunately.

Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy led Draco out of the Minister's office, pride in each step they took towards the more . . . well, prestigious, floo network, rather than the sketchy, lower-class fireplaces that even the Weasleys used. Draco's nose turned up at the thought of using those. How preposterous!

Soon enough, the Malfoys were back home and Draco stormed up to his room, slamming the door behind himself. He was livid, of course, and he had been good at hiding it at the Ministry, but now nobody was around –

Draco chucked a designer vase at the wall. He would never, ever, admit that he was quite jealous that she was now the richest student in school, and she would now be Slytherin's greatest asset, not him.

And nothing riled Draco Malfoy up more than someone being better than him.

A knock on Draco's door startled him. He had just been resting on his king-sized bed, trying to come up with the good things about marrying Y/N Grace. He couldn't find anything to make him feel better, and he feared he gave the ring to the wrong person - he couldn't, right? She was the only acceptable option for him.

"Come in," he grumbled out, pulling the sheets over his naked chest.

His mother came in, her hair pulled back into a loose plait - similar to Y/N's that day. Walking over, a tiny smile on her face, she sat on the edge of his bed, running her perfectly manicured fingers through his hair.

"I know what you're thinking," she whispered. Of course she did, she was a Legilimens. "And I think you picked the right girl."

"And what makes you think that?" he said dully. "She's a half-blood, friends with that Harry Potter, and she's too nosy for her own good."

Narcissa stared rather meanly down at him.

"From what I've heard, she's also intelligent, ambitious, and puts you in your place; everything you need. You may not like her, but she's good for you," she said huffily, turning up her nose. "Besides, I never liked that Pansy Parkinson, she's too conceited, even for you. She'd just use up all of our money, without a second thought. And that Astoria Greengrass is pretty, yes, but she's too daft. She can't even charm a toad to caterwaul. Daphne - well, I think Theodore's interested in her, and, well, I don't think you would like Millicent Bulstrode. Just saying."

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