2 ; the explanation ✔︎

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Just five chimes of the town clock and Y/N and Hermione Granger hopped up and out of bed yet again. They didn't know how they did it, but not it mattered; they were fighting for the bathroom once again, and without any surprise, Y/N won. She smirked and turned on the tap, hearing a long groan coming from the other side of the door.

Y/N bathed and swapped places with Hermione fairly quickly; she looked in their wardrobe (which was mostly her clothes) and saw an empty space on the rack, a place void of clothes. She frowned as she looked through the occupied hangers, considering lazy-day clothes when -

"Girls!" Mrs. Granger called from downstairs, where she and her husband were. "We're going to the Shopping Centre today with your grandmother!"

Y/N grinned. Whenever she thought about needing more clothes, her mother or grandmother had always declared they were going to the Shopping Centre, just the place where Y/N wanted to be. She didn't know if it was a coincidence or not, nor did she care why or how. The only thing that mattered was she was getting more clothes, even if she already had a tad bit too many.

"Okay, mum!" Y/N shouted back and peeped into the steamy bathroom to inform Hermione.

She skipped back to her wardrobe and pulled out a blue t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Hermione finally came out of the bathroom when Y/N was slipping on white Nikes, and had only just gotten dressed when her sister said, "C'mon, Hermione!" Y/N checked her watch and continued, "Let's get a move on!"

The girl glared at her and snatched A History of Britain from her bedside, brushing past Y/N. Y/N rolled her eyes and followed closely behind; she took her seat at the dining table and Mrs. Granger set a plate of breakfast in front of her. The three ate quickly while Mr. Granger (who'd already finished) read the town paper aloud:

"'On June 23, 1991, a Boa Constrictor, bred in the zoo, escaped from its confines in the reptile house, frightening all. It snapped at two boys' heels – Piers Polkiss and Dudley Dursley – before vanishing into the world. The boys' families have been repeatedly apologized to and administrators all over town are searching for the Boa Constrictor, but so far no signs of the snake were found,'" recited Mr. Granger. He folded the newspaper in half and peered at his daughters, saying, "You two be careful when in the park, you hear? I don't want either of my girls to be admitted to the hospital."

The two girls chorused a 'yes, dad' and waved goodbye to him as they raced out the front door, competing to get the front seat. To the surprise of both, Hermione Granger, the unathletic girl who hated running, beat Y/N to the front seat, as if she had an extra boost to help out. Y/N grumbled and sat in the back, hating the fact that she lost to Hermione fair and square. Not only that, but she had to sit next to her talkative grandmother who, if it weren't obvious, loved to talk.

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