63 ; ferrets and necklaces

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The following morning, Y/N and Daphne patiently waited in the Slytherin common room, dressed with their bags slung over their shoulders. They were waiting for Theodore and Blaise to come down, who, Y/N thought, had slept in.

Finally, they came down, Draco trailing after them with Y/N's ribbon tied to his belt buckle once more, and his Slytherin tie in his hand. He smirked at Y/N.

Oh, Merlin.

"Care to tie this for me, my love?" he said, and held out the tie. Y/N blushed madly as few Slytherin heads turned to them.

"Not really," she said, but took the tie anyway. "Don't you know how to tie a tie, or are you that incompetent that you have to have someone else do that for you, my darling?" she teased.

He hummed as she reached up to wrap the tie around his neck, and slipped his arms around her waist, pulling her in closely and kissing her jawline. Swallowing deeply, Y/N could feel Daphne's watchful eyes on her as Draco's fingers wound through the ends of her hair.

"I can tie a tie, I just prefer when you do it," he said mockingly, malice in his eyes as he made sure everyone knew that they were . . 'together'. That Y/N was unavailable.

"I've only done it once," she mumbled and tightened the knot, fingers shaking as his lips trailed down to her collar. "Draco. Stop it."

He drew away before kissing the corner of her lips, once. "Mm, you smell good," he said, before pulling away and heading off, Crabbe and Goyle blundering after him.

He did too.

Y/N joined Daphne once more, and they walked up to the Great Hall, Theodore and Blaise following steadily.

"I can't tell if I'm glad you two are . . . affectionate," she said as they entered the Hall, "because there's not so many arguments and because I hate my sister, or if I'm disappointed that you submitted to his charms so quickly."

Y/N almost dropped her coffee as Daphne said that.

"Wh - what? Submitted to his charms? What does that even mean?" she said, as Snape came around to hand out their schedules. He was particularly cold to Y/N, after what happened last year.

"You know what it means and admit it; you live for his numerous kisses and constant touches," said Daphne, smirking as Y/N became appalled. "You love being the girl who the 'bad boy' is only good for. Hell, you even smell like him now" — she leaned towards Y/N, taking a deep whiff — "his cologne's all over you — sandalwood and lavender, with a hint of leather? Hmm . . . surprisingly, it blends well with your raspberry rose perfume —with hints of black vanilla, if I'm not mistaken?"

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