23 ; potions and presents ✔︎

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The double attack on Justin and Nearly Headless Nick turned what had previously been nervousness into real panic. Curiously, it was Nearly Headless Nick's fate that seemed to worry people most. What could possibly do that to a ghost? People asked each other; what terrible power could harm someone who was already dead? There was almost a stampede to book seats on the Hogwarts Express so that students could go home for Christmas.

"At this rate, we'll be the only ones left," Theodore told them when they had checked up on the potion. "Us, Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle, Parkinson, and Bulstrode."

"What a jolly holiday it's going to be," Ron muttered.

Crabbe, Goyle, and Parkinson, who always stuck to Malfoy like glue, had signed up to stay over the holidays, too. Millicent Bulstrode, who was having a riff with her mother, decided to stay as well. But other than the nine second-year Slytherins, only around two or three other Slytherins were staying.

It wouldn't make much of a difference to the common room, though, because the quietness was nothing new. It was the norm for the dungeons to be eerily quiet, but Y/N found it to be quite cozy, in fact, and found the window by the lake to be a great spot to knit. However, with the new generation coming in (aka the first and second year students) Y/N thought the quietness was going to disappear soon enough, because they all had a sort of chaotic energy.

As last the term ended, and a silence deep as the snow on the grounds descended on the castle. Y/N found it peaceful, rather than gloomy, and enjoyed the fact that she, Daphne, Theodore, and Blaise could practice hexes and jinxes on Crabbe and Goyle without facing punishment from the prefects. Parkinson attempted to duel Y/N on many occasions, but after a nasty Pimple Jinx, she resorted to teasing her about knitting. Y/N simply ignored her.

Christmas morning dawned, cold and white. Y/N woke very early, per Hermione's request, and pulled on Fred's Weasley sweater, jeans, and a pair of her favorite pair shoes. She woke Daphne loudly (who reluctantly got dressed) and hurried off to the boy's dormitories, throwing a Slytherin scarf on and stuffing her wand in her back pocket.

"Wake up," said Y/N loudly, shaking Theodore and Blaise awake. "Come on, idiots, wake up."

They groaned and she pulled back the curtains at the window, allowing the distorted light to shine in and wake the boys up. Unfortunately, it also woke Malfoy, who threw a pillow at her.

"What're you doing here, Granger?" he said groggily. Rolling her eyes, Y/N threw the pillow back at him, hitting him smack center of the face. "Oi!"

Theodore and Blaise groaned and moaned as they dressed and Y/N dug through Blaise's closet to pull out a bat. Why he had a bat, she didn't know, but she slung it over her shoulder and hurried back to the common room to where Daphne was waiting.

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