82 ; the mendacious ministry

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It had only been the end of the first week of summer when Professor Dumbledore first visited Grace Manor, bringing with him news of a secret society set to rebel against Voldemort. The Order of the Phoenix, it was called. He'd said Y/N and Anthony's parents, Monica and Alexander Grace, had joined it back when it was first started, and had requested, after the defeat of Voldemort the first time, that Y/N be inducted as a member if Voldemort rose again. Nobody knew why they wanted her to be, but she accepted the membership and represented the Grace family.

So instead of a summer filled with traveling the Wizarding World and meeting important people, Anthony took on that role and Y/N attended meetings with the Order of the Phoenix, which was composed of, mostly, witches and wizards who'd been members of the original Order. But that wasn't all — she also met regularly with Mrs. Malfoy at Malfoy Manor for quiet brunches in the lively gardens, bonding as future in-laws.

The sunny month of July quickly passed, and Harry's birthday came quicker than Y/N expected. She had felt bad about forgetting him and the rest of her friends so quickly, but she was busy — she only had time for about one or two letters to each a week, rather than almost daily. Last summer, she had the same problem too, and the creeping suspicion that they were slowly ditching her found its way between the thoughts that littered her mind in an unorganized mess.

But on the very early morning of July thirty-first, right as the sun broke the sea's horizon, Y/N stood at the gated entrance to the village after crossing the dewy stone path from the castle that weaved through the gardens and lake, past the glass greenhouses, across the beaches, and finally between the agriculture and animal fields. There were several, grand entrances to the village from different points around it, but the one from the castle was by far, her favorite.

Upon entering, the bright colours of the buildings and roofs greeted Y/N brightly as the sun began to shine across them, beaming off of high windows and glimmering in the damp jacket that coated the walls from the morning rain. The jacket soon seemed to fade as the hot summer sun forced its way through the narrow paths of the tightly packed shops that she strolled down, looking through the viewing windows to try to find what to get for her best friend for his birthday.

She finally entered a small clothing shop, remembering how poorly his aunt and uncle treated him, refusing to buy new clothes for him and instead offering Dudley Dursley's oversized clothes, that were three sizes too big on Harry and just overall uncomfortable. Y/N tried picking out clothes that she thought he'd like, from soft flannels to trousers that she estimated would fit him, and trainers that were suitable for running away from Voldemort. Finally, she approached the counter with an armful of clothes, her shoulder purse dropped to the crease of her elbow with the weight.

"That'll be thirty Galleons — oh, hi Miss Grace," the teenager at the counter blushed, folding and placing the clothes in a paper bag neatly. "It's — it's free for you, you know."

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