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But the mermen had different plans. One surged forward, catching her unconscious, sinking body, and he and the rest of them quickly rose through the water, breaking shore to hundreds of anxious and shouting faces, watching the surface of the lake. Madam Pomfrey, looking furious, let them lay Y/N on the sand and, with bated breaths, the crowd watched as she pumped the water out of her lungs before them.

"Atta girl!" said the matron relievedly, as Y/N coughed and hacked. The crowd roared even louder, louder than even the screeching song of the merpeople.

Y/N felt horrible as she wheezed, feeling several blankets wrap around her and a hot potion being forced down her throat. Steam gushed out of her ears. Madam Pomfrey checked her over once more before moving around to everyone who was in the lake, who all were wrapped in thick blankets. Gazing around dizzily at the crowd, Y/N sat there before two, familiar arms encased her fetal position, and hundreds of kisses peppered her face and neck.

"Stay – away," Draco growled slowly as figures approached, forcing Y/N's head onto his shoulder. She looked up at the blurry figures and smiled as best she could, sighing as she turned her face away from them and closed her eyes.

And then – it wasn't long before Ludo Bagman's magically magnified voice boomed out beside them, making them all just, and causing the crowd in the stands to go very quiet.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have reached our decision. Merchieftainess Murcus has told us exactly what happened at the bottom of the lake, and we have therefore decided to award marks out of fifty for each of the champions, as follows. . . .

"Fleur Delacour, though she demonstrated excellent use of the Bubble-Head Charm, was attacked by grindylows as she approached her goal, and failed to retrieve her hostage. We award her twenty-five points."

Applause from the stands.

"Cedric Diggory, who also used the Bubble-Head Charm, was first to return with his hostage, though he returned one minute outside the time limit of an hour. We therefore award him forty-seven points."

Y/N couldn't care less about points at this rate – she didn't even want to be in this tournament, and she almost died in this task . . .

"Viktor Krum used an incomplete form of Transfiguration, which was nevertheless effective, and was second to return with his hostage. We award him forty points."

Again, more applause, but this time Y/N's head hurt from the noise.

"Harry Potter used gillyweed to great effect," Bagman continued. "He returned last, and well outside the time limit of an hour. However, the Merchiefainess informs us that Mr. Potter was second to reach the hostages, and that the delay in his return was due to his determination to return all hostages to safety, not merely his own. Most of the judges feel that this shows moral fiber and merits full marks. However . . . Mr. Potter's score is forty-five."

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