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Y/N sat in her Ghoul Studies class, sulking at the fact that the oh-so-perfect Draco Malfoy she'd seen in the past two days had reverted back to his usual self just by looking at Harry. And it had only been two days. Two days of being back together and already she wanted to avoid him like the plague. It looked like, to her, that she'd be eating dinner in the kitchens and going on patrol late.

"You looked stressed," said Luna Lovegood, who'd been in her Ghoul Studies class since she'd been a second year — as Ghoul Studies was a class without exams, they could combine different year levels to fill up the class. Y/N looked up at her as she stood at their shared desk, her stark white hair tied in a knot on top of her head and a pair of orange radishes for earrings. "Is it because you are taking the owl exams? The fifth year curriculum must be infested with Nargles for everyone to be stressing over them. Here —"

From her bag she pulled a pair of butterbeer bottle-cap earrings and gave them to Y/N, smiling softly before sitting next to her. Y/N's lips cracked and she put them in place of her other earrings, feeling significantly better.

"Thanks, Luna, but it's not that that's stressing me out yet," Y/N muttered, running a hand through her H/C hair. She frowned, looking down at her hand in her lap. "It's my boyfriend. He's being an ass again."

"Draco Malfoy?" Luna said curiously, her interest piqued. Despite not knowing her that well, Y/N felt like she could tell Luna everything. So she told her about what had happened in Care of Magical Creatures. "I think he's jealous of Harry. He wants attention."

"Apparently not mine," Y/N sighed, and Professor Progway started class.

Professor Progway spent all of class detailing the Global Ghoul Goldrush, an event that took place in 1886 where Ghouls all over the world had a sudden interest in gold and ravished land around them for it. Nobody knew why or how, but Professor Progway told them that for their homework they needed to come up with a believable hypothesis over why the Ghouls had a sudden interest in gold, and how they found the brains to do it, considering they were pathetically dimwitted.

Y/N took the Grand Staircase all the way down to the basements, sighing as she tickled the pear on the painting to get into the kitchen. Almost immediately as she stepped through the hole in the wall were house-elves swarming around her, offering her refreshments, drinks, and everything of the sorts. She'd simply asked if they could make her something quick and sat before the fire, kneading her head in her hands.

"Miss Grace?" squeaked a house-elf.

Looking up, Y/N quickly accepted the full plate and water and hungrily dug into it, having not eaten since breakfast that morning. She hummed at the taste, scarfing it down before handing her plate over to an awaiting House-elf; she briefly saw food float through the ceiling in her peripheral vision, and wondered if Draco was eating right now. He hadn't eaten since breakfast either.

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