4 ; the hogwarts express ✔︎

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Y/N and Hermione's last month before term started was filled with studying and memorizing (which wasn't all that surprising). They were determined to top their year like they always had, even if it meant staying up throughout the night to write detailed notes that would help even the most foolish of students. Mr. and Mrs. Granger worried for their daughters but didn't comment about anything, treating them as they usually would.

Goldfish (of which the Grangers had become accustomed to the peculiar name) kept Y/N and Hermione company everyday in the study, and would remind them to take breaks every two hours. He was very smart, despite being a puppy. Perhaps it were because he was magical?

They had already filled out a few notebooks, front and back, with notes (they were saving parchment paper for homework and essays). After studying the textbooks within the first week of getting them, the girls already knew their favorite subjects. Hermione seemed most interested in History of Magic and Charms, and Y/N's favorites would have to be Potions, Transfiguration, and Charms. In fact, Y/N studied Potions the most, and had even written notes in the margins of her books, somehow finding mistakes in the potions given. Her corrections couldn't have been correct, of course, but it was curious how she studied one potions book but her textbook said something different. The saying was that great minds think alike, but what if they had discordant perspectives on the precise details of one particular substance? Both conclusions would be exceptional, of course, but not homogenous.

On September first, Y/N and Hermione woke at the fifth chime of the town clock, two childish grins on their faces. Goldfish, who woke up at the same time as Y/N, wagged his tail and jumped up from his spot on the end of Y/N's bed, bounding over to Y/N and licking her face. Y/N giggled and pet him, scratching his ear and kissing his nose.

The room door open and Mrs. Granger poked her head through the crack. She said, "You need to wash Goldfish before we leave. He's been rolling in the dirt outside and is quite smelly."

"Yes, ma'am," said Y/N.

She left and Hermione showered first as Y/N picked out her outfit for the train ride to Hogwarts. She figured it would be weird if she wore her wizard uniform to a "Muggle" platform (she wasn't particularly used to the word), so she picked out a pink hand-knitted sweater (from her dear Grandmother Gertrude), a pair of baggy blue jeans, and some color-blocked sneakers. 

She bathed Goldfish before taking a shower herself while Hermione dried the dog. She got out quickly and pulled on her outfit for the day, slapping on her watch and quickly getting to packing, seeing as she forgot to in the last month. Y/N packed a terms' worth of clothes and accessories and squashed it to the bottom of the trunk as she stacked her uniform, textbooks, and reading books on top of it. Then went in Goldfish's stuff (which wasn't much) and then her class equipment and dorm decorations. Hermione had been watching in amusement as Y/N scrambled to pack, seeing as she so characteristically gotten ready the night they'd come home from Diagon Alley, all the while Y/N was busy playing with Goldfish.

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