50 ; the wills

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"W-What are you trying to say?" Y/N said nervously, though she already knew what the man meant. In fact, she's known all along, ever since that Patronus lesson, when she had the vision.


A tall, burly man turned from the nursery door, looking back at Y/N with sad eyes. A quaint and familiar woman standing next to him burst into tears and Y/N, feeling rather attached to the woman, reached out for her, saying, "Mama?"

The young woman went to go reach for Y/N but the man, with a single tear glistening down his cheek, held her back. He clutched her tightly to his side and pulled out a long stick-looking thing, pointing it at Y/N. Frowning, she cowered next to the little baby with bushy hair next to her.


It had been obvious since then. She was not, in fact, Jacob and Elizabeth Granger's daughter, nor was she Hermione Granger's twin. Rather, she was the eldest daughter of Monica and Alexander Grace, the big sister of Anthony Grace, and the only niece of Annabella Parrish.

It was coincidental that she knew all four of them.

"Misses Grace, if you will," said the tall, dark wizard, gesturing towards the barrier. "We must find your brother."

Y/N swallowed down a lump in her throat as she gazed at Hermione, who had a shocked look on her face. Finally, she left her cart with her fa- Mr. Granger, and ran through the barrier, the tall wizard hot on her heels. Together, they looked around, searching for a mop of brown hair.

They finally found him just getting off the Hogwarts Express, a grin on his face as he bid good-bye to his friends. He turned, and a surprised look flashed over his face as he came face-to-face with Y/N and the tall wizard.

"Y/N – Mr. Shacklebolt – how are you?" he said, smiling. The grin faded as he saw their stoic faces. "What's the matter?"

Something clicked in Y/N's mind. She thought about Professor Trelawney's prediction, and how it applied to her and the situation.

Change will come at the end of the train.

The train ride home – it was confirmed that Y/N was Monica and Alexander's daughter, that was the change.

Be prepared, for it will come with an abundance of pain. Not for you, I don't think, but another's heart will surely sink.

Mr. Shacklebolt had said he was sorry for Y/N's loss . . . which only meant – oh, no! Monica and Alexander Grace . . . they were dead? But surely –

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