57 ; the coronation

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Y/N took a hidden lift down to a small chamber, with a single mahogany door, and one little candle around her. She had gone over this route so many times, but now that it was the day of her coronation, thousands of tiny fireflies would be lighting the trail.

Shaking slightly, Y/N's journey started through the door. She slipped her finger into the candle holder's loop and turned the handle, stepping through into the room, which was full of statues. If it weren't for the fireflies, she might've not seen them at all; however, she could see the faces of her ancestors as clear as daytime.

Strolling down the path, Y/N only recognized the face of Merlin - everyone else must've been his descendants. Feeling as if the statues were watching her, she quickly made for the next room, which was filled with several artefacts from over the years. Souvenirs from wars, possessions from famous people, almost anything and everything.

And yet, Slytherin's locket was still nowhere to be found.

Y/N had a hunch the Ministry somehow had it and was lying straight to her face, but she wouldn't get into that.


After examining the artefacts carefully, Y/N moved on through the next door, which led out into the gardens. It was dark, seeing as they were covered by thick trees with large canopies, but the fireflies led the way to the mini house she was supposed to go to.

You could always trust the fireflies, was Y/N's advice.

She quickly weaved through the gardens, seeing as she was on a time limit. A small, dark building stood at the end of the trail, but no door led inside.

So how do you get in?

Y/N looked at the wall. Runes were etched along the top of the wall, in gold paint that contrasted the black paint of the house.

"'Read this aloud, if you dare. Nobody can enter, except for the heir. Now repeat this two more times, if you must, but just so you know, heirs can't turn to dust,'" Y/N muttered.


So if she wasn't the heir and she tried getting in . . . she'd turn to dust?

Just. . . brilliant.

She recited it twice more and the outline of a door appeared, swinging open. Darkness greeted her and she hesitantly stepped forward, finding herself in a dimly-lit room with a slightly-glowing pool of water.

Stripping down to her bathing suit, Y/N slowly lowered herself into the cold pool, ready to meet the ghosts of her famous ancestors.

Y/N gasped as she came up from the water, her bun falling out and settling into a loose braid.

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