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The news of Harry's shouting match had made its way around the whole school by dinnertime — which was exceptionally fast, even by Hogwarts standard. Y/N wouldn't even be surprised if a special edition of the Hogwarts Herald came out the next morning. Whispers traveled all down the Slytherin table — some, of the fifth years retelling the story, others of those asking questions. Y/N chose to ignore the nosy ones asking, instead going to town on her (loaded) baked potato.

"Do people not have anything better to do than gossip about who killed who and who was lying?" Daphne said rather loudly, eyes rolling as she received dirty glances.

"I'm sure lying about homicide is a valid thing to talk about," said Theodore, shoveling green beans into his mouth. Daphne glared.

"But Harry and Y/N weren't lying about that —"

"And I know that."

"So why are you defending it?"

"I'm not!"

"Do you want to go on our patrol early, Y/N?" Draco suddenly asked, standing and earning looks from down the table.

Y/N looked longingly at her apple pie but muttered, "Sure," and stood as well, joining him in walking out of the Great Hall. They passed Anthony on the way, who looked as though he'd just come back from the owlery, and he nudged Y/N as he passed her, smirking at her scoff. Once they were out of sight from the gossip-happy Great Hall, Draco's arm wrapped around the back of Y/N's shoulders, prompting her to slip hers around his waist. They signed the patrol sheet by the tall House hourglasses before swinging open the doors, met immediately by a cool breeze.

The sun hung low in the sky as they stood at the landing before the stone steps, joined by Goldfish and Koi as they looked over the golden-toned grounds — which seemed like it would be a long patrol. Y/N's nose scrunched. They had to do this every day? No wonder the Slytherin prefects had such an attitude before. What they saw before them wasn't even half of the grounds. It made Y/N realize that her and Harry, Ron, and Hermione's previous just-after-curfew trips to Hagrid's weren't as sneaky as they thought. The prefects were probably on the other side of the grounds by the time they went down.

A chilly breeze hugged Y/N and Draco as they descended the stone steps to the grounds, hinting at the coming of the changing of the seasons. Already the temperatures had dropped since the past unusually hot summer, but Y/N couldn't be any happier. Things were going back to normal.

"Mother's already preparing for the wedding," Draco said tentatively as they trekked down the path from the stone staircase, taking the right path in the forkway to the Quidditch Pitch. The left path went around the lake to the entrance gates, which then led on to Hogsmeade station. "Says there's going to be over a thousand guests, and she's already got the honeymoon booked."

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