9 ; the quidditch matches ✔︎

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As they entered November, the weather turned very cold, especially in the dungeons – hence all the knitted jumpers with 'F's and 'G's from the Weasley Twins. The mountains around the school became icy grey and the lake like chilled steel. Every morning the ground was covered in frost, and Y/N, who took Goldfish out on a walk at five-thirty a.m. everyday, was particularly hated by Filch as she walked Goldfish back into the castle with muddy paws and happy expressions. Hagrid could be seen from the upstairs windows defrosting broomsticks on the Quidditch field, bundled up in a long moleskin overcoat, rabbit fur gloves, and enormous beaverskin boots.

The Quidditch season had begun. The next Saturday, the ninth, Y/N would be playing in her first match after weeks of training: Slytherin versus Hufflepuff. It was the first game of the season, the match everyone was excited about – and all knew the outcome of.

Practically everyone knew Y/N was the new Slytherin Chaser. Marcus Flint couldn't help but boast (rather loudly) to his fellow Slytherins about not having a better Chaser since Graham Montague left the school. That led to almost half the school coming to the first game, which filled Y/N with hundred of millions of nerves – more than she's ever had.

Y/N almost regurgitated her breakfast as she flew onto the field, lapping around it once and doing some tricks she'd learned over the course of the tens of practices she's had. The Hufflepuff team, who was dressed in canary yellow robes, did the same, and Y/N passed a particularly rude Hufflepuff Chaser, who'd deliberately bumped harshly into her. Y/N glared at her once they'd met Madam Hooch, who was referring, on the ground.

"Now, I want a nice and fair game," she said, once the players dressed in green and yellow were all gathered around her. Y/N noticed half the crowd chanting "Granger! Granger!" while the other half chanted "Diggory! Diggory!" which only fueled her nerves even more. Sure, she had always been the star player in her old Muggle school so she got this all the time, but this was different – this was in front of a little over a thousand people rather than a hundred, and this was the first time she played a sport that was completely new to her. She hadn't had this feeling since she was eight, when she started playing volleyball.

"Mount your brooms, please."

Y/N clambered onto her Nimbus Two Thousand, clutching the handle tightly.

Madam Hooch gave a loud blast on her silver whistle, and fifteen brooms rose up, high, high into the air. They were off.

"And the Quaffle is snatched immediately by Chaser Y/N Granger of Slytherin, the first female Slytherin player since the negative first century, and might I say, I didn't think Flint had it in him to not be a bitch –"


"Sorry, Professor."

"And she's speeding along the length of the Quidditch pitch, excellently dodging and weaving through oncoming Hufflepuffs – passed to fellow Chaser Adrian Pucey – back to Granger – who's quick to slide off her broom and out of the way of a hard Bludger Hufflepuff Beater Maxine O'Flaherty hit – with one hand on the broom Granger swings out of the way of Chaser Malcolm Preece – might want to get back on that broom, Granger!

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