54 ; mr. mccrow

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The previously heart-warming house of number eight, Heathgate, now seemed unfamiliarly daunting to Y/N as their car of eight approached it. Her hands clammed strangely as the car came to a halt, and she shook as she climbed out, legs wobbling with every step towards the front door.

Y/N didn't understand. This was her old home. She was supposed to be happy to return, not scared. So why did the thought of seeing her ex-family frighten her?

She rang the doorbell and stood back, twisting her fingers nervously. How would they feel seeing her again, after she picked Grandmother Gertrude to live with her instead of them? And what about Hermione? Would she be mad for suddenly ditching her, even though she didn't have a choice?

The door swung open and a body collided with Y/N's. Tear filled her eyes as frizzy curls tickled her nose, and Y/N pulled Hermione in closer than ever before. After moments of sad silence, Y/N finally pulled back, looking at Hermione's face. Her eyes were red and a couple of wrinkle spots had formed, but a bright smile had formed on her face upon seeing Y/N, one that was gladly reciprocated.

Car doors closed behind Y/N and Theodore, Blaise, Daphne, and, unfortunately, Malfoy. Hermione seemed to hold back a sneer before gesturing them inside, giving hugs to everybody except Malfoy, who rolled his eyes. They headed upstairs except for Y/N, who found her parents in the kitchen.

No words were spoken as Y/N and the couple stared at each other, many emotions racing through each of them. And suddenly –

Y/N found herself in a tight embrace, one that felt illegally familiar. Tears threatened to spill from her eyes as the sudden realization that she was an orphan came to her, and her arms wrapped softly around her ex-parents, tightening with each passing second.

The ring of a doorbell ruined the sentimental moment, and Y/N couldn't tell whether she was glad or sad for that. Nevertheless, she broke away from Mr. and Mrs. Granger, gave them one last look, and headed for the door, opening it to find Matthew McCrow, the Grangers' milk provider.

"Hullo, Mr. McCrow, how can we help you?" Y/N said in her happiest voice, trying to conceal the fact that she was about to cry.

Matthew McCrow's fingers wound nervously through each other, squeezing tightly with each round. A worry wrinkle had formed on his face and he looked around spottily before settling his gaze on Y/N, a slight tilt to his eyebrows as he spoke.

"Is Blaise Zabini here?" he asked and pulled off his flat hat, toying with a stray thread. "I heard from somewhere that you were friends with him."

Y/N's fingernails rapt on the doorframe repeatedly. She spoke, "Yeah, he's here. Why do you need him?"

She looked at his face and body language and it suddenly occurred to her. "You – you're –"

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