55 ; funeral canticle

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With Y/N's hand tucked neatly into the crease of Malfoy's arm, the two led the way to the entrance of the marvelous building. Their other hands held the leads of Goldfish and Koi, respectively, and groups of two filed behind them, with Hermione and Anthony, Daphne and Theodore, and Blaise and Astoria (though he fancied a girl named Adelaide). Of course, the husbands and wives were together, and extras were forced to be partners.

Royal-like guards bowed and swung open the grand doors for Y/N and Malfoy. They filed into a somewhat-small room, where Y/N, Malfoy, Anthony, and Hermione were beckoned over by the man named Kingsley Shacklebolt. The massive line of those attending proceeded into the next room (which was around the size of the Entrance Hall at Hogwarts), some glancing over to where Y/N stood, pity in their eyes. A lot, Y/N recognized, were highly-respected wizarding world leaders, like headmasters of wizarding schools and the leaders of wizard governments around the world. Even Mr. Cornelius Fudge was here, with his wife, passing Y/N with a sad smile before joining the others in a slow march around the edge of the room.

Mr. Shacklebolt quickly explained what Y/N, as the heiress, had to do during the funeral and she nodded, tightening her grip on Koi's lead. He gave her and Hermione black veils, of which they would have to wear the whole time, and sent them on their way, through a separate door into the next room. Two guards escorted the four teenagers through the line of people and in front of a raised platform in the middle of the room, carpeted with guards in emerald green posted around it.

Three raised, silver caskets sat on the platform, one with a lion, another with a snake, and the third, also with a snake, engraved on the sides. Underneath the lion, in perfect calligraphy, wrote 'Monica Gaunt Grace', while under one of the snakes, 'Alexander Grace' was written, and the other, 'Annabella Gaunt Parrish'.

Y/N stared emotionlessly at the three caskets. Inside, three people whom she's met and spent time with, received gifts from, and one who she spent almost half her life with - were dead. Koi whimpered and bowed his head, Goldfish doing the same. Malfoy stood next to her silently, acknowledging that, at that particular moment, they were neither friends nor enemies, but rather acquaintances. He untucked her hand from his elbow and laced their fingers together, bringing the back of her hand to his plump lips ever so softly, bringing her back to reality.

The sun's bright rays, muted from gloomy clouds, filtered through the translucent windows, shedding distorted, yellow light on the caskets. The line of guests marching along the wall came to a stop and they all bowed their heads in the direction of the entrance.

Y/N looked over. There, an elderly couple stood, grim-faced and unmoving. The woman, a mere replica of Y/N's mother, wore a black veil as well, and she led the man over to where Y/N, Malfoy, Anthony, and Hermione stood. No words were spoken between any of them but it was quite obvious who they were; they were Y/N's real grandparents, the parents of Monica and Annabella.

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