74 ; la valse de l'amour

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It only occurred to Y/N to ask Draco, once they landed back at Hogwarts, if he had asked his parents if he could fly to America with her.

"Fuck no," he laughed, watching the house-elves take their trunks. Hagrid waved, and led Belliana away. "They don't have to know everything, you know."

Y/N grumbled as they trudged through the snow to the castle, marvelling at the structure they call a second home.

"If you're going out of the country, then yes," Y/N said, and saw Harry, Ron, Hermione, Daphne, Theodore, and Blaise, and Fred, George, and Ginny in the distance. "Ah - you'd better go, Draco. Unless you want to face a few angry Gryffindors out for your blood?"

He shook his head and kissed her temple. "I'll see you all dolled up tomorrow, love."

"Y/N!" Daphne cried and crashed herself into her arms. "Oh, those four days were so horrible! Everybody's so much more annoying without you! Especially Fred and George, for fucks' sake! 'When's Y/N gonna get back? Where is she? Blah, blah, blah!'"

"Oh, shove it, Greengrass," said Fred huffily, pushing her out of the way and into Theodore's arms. He, George, and Ginny hugged her all in one swoop, purposely suffocating her and not allowing her to escape. Ginny, grinning, held up a delicious custard cream, shoving it into Y/N's open mouth.

Finding it rather delicious, Y/N swallowed down the rest of it, grinning at Fred, George, and Ginny. Er . . . the looks on their faces didn't really settle right with her -

"Fred! George! Gin-irp! Chirp!"

She had just turned into a small yellow canary, and she could see the trio of idiots laughing down at her. Behind them, her own friends were also laughing, leaning on each other for support as she chirped angrily up at them. Within a minute, she had molted, and once her feathers had fallen off, she reappeared looking completely normal - and angry.

Fred, George, and Ginny hiccuped with laughter, sprinting off to the Gryffindor tower. Erg - leave it to the twins to corrupt their perfectly innocent sister!

"They're so dead," Y/N muttered, giving small hugs to Harry, Ron, Hermione, Theodore, and Blaise.

Y/N awoke very suddenly Christmas day to Goldfish licking her face, his tail beating against the covers as he snuggled into her legs. Smiling softly, she scratched his belly, thinking ruefully about her sleep.

Oh, it was horrible. She had gotten so used to sleeping in the same bed as Draco, or at least taking a nap in his lap, that she had forgotten what it was like to sleep alone, cold and empty-armed and unable to sleep properly.

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