51 ; apparition

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The soft sound of a tall door swinging shut woke Y/N. Half-asleep, she squinted through blurry eyes, barely seeing two dark figures approach her. They stopped at her bed, and, with several long blinks, Y/N's vision cleared enough to see Anthony and Goldfish. She checked her watch. 2:18 a.m. It had been four hours since she passed out – had Anthony been mourning that entire time?

"C-Can I sleep here tonight?" he hiccuped, sniffling as he trembled beside her bed.

"Y-yeah, of course," Y/N said groggily, scooting over and pulling back the sheets. Cold air rushed to her bare legs and she shivered, huddling close to her pillow as Anthony quickly but quietly crawled into her now-warm bed. It hadn't taken long for Y/N's body heat to spread throughout the bed, and she could see Anthony give a deep sigh of content as he snuggled the covers, facing the ceiling. Goldfish jumped on top of the duvet, laying over Y/N's feet and tucking his head into his paws. Soon enough, soft snores could be heard.

A silence fell over them as Y/N pulled the covers over her shoulder, planning on going back to sleep. However, Anthony spoke.

"You remind me of her," he said quietly, turning to look at Y/N. "Well, mostly because you smell like her. Like - like fresh roses and spring water. I always loved it."

"Tell me more about them," Y/N whispered, eyes flickering across his young face. "Please."

Anthony gave her a small smile. "Well . . . they were brilliant, mum and dad. Sure, they had their flaws, but doesn't everyone? There were, of course, the occasional fights, but I'm sure you had fights with your – with the Grangers," he stuttered, looked down, and then looked back at Y/N. She motioned for him to continue.

"They were good people, too," he said. "They weren't like those mean pureblood families who abused their house-elves or looked down on Muggle-borns or Half-bloods. I mean, mum was a Half-blood so don't reckon she would really . . ."

He stopped himself before continuing, "Most of the village loved them. Of course, there were those few people who hated them for their wealth, but decent people saw how amazing they were. Yeah, I may be biased, but my – our parents never discriminated against anyone, whether they were a werewolf like Professor – Mr. Lupin, or a goblin, or a giant."

Anthony's face turned furious. He turned to face the ceiling, running his fingers through his hair. He opened his mouth several times before pausing. Finally, he said, "I hate Voldemort because he's the reason I didn't have you growing up."

A moment of silence passed between them. Y/N went to speak, however, her lips softly closed when she heard a low sniffle. She couldn't imagine what he was going through – twelve, almost thirteen, and losing his parents and aunt? It was awful to think about, but it made Y/N wonder where Annabella's husband, Ryan Parrish, was. Then she remembered – back in the summer of '88, he had died in a major car wreckage. Y/N couldn't remember clearly, but she did remember Annabella telling her she wouldn't ever marry again after that.

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