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Starfire and the rest of the titans were currently still on the island contemplating the strange behavior of their teammates.

Zach and  Alice stood close not as contributors but like spectators watching a good show.

"can someone explain to me what's going on here", Kori asked hands on hips

       "shouldn't we be asking you that", said Jamie "you are the leader"

     "yes well......  NightWing", starfire turned to her boyfriend who was busy playing a game on his I pod not really paying attention.

Hearing his name he stumbled a bit scratched his head and pointed towards himself "uh.... Me"

"yes you ", said Kori seemingly annoyed at how childish her boyfriend is being at this important meeting

"oh right", Dick quickly hid his game pad like a child caught in trouble "well like Damian said Raven is clearly you know going through some things and seemingly ran away. Damian being Damian went after her..... Sooo..... That's about it "

NightWing gave an innocent look as if to say
   'can I play my game now '

And starfire just glared at him
       'no you cannot play your game "

Dick sighed.  Of course that would be the obvious answer.

"so we're they now", asked Connor

"let me check", he brought our the Titan communicator. He had long since installed a tracking device on each one he gave to the Titans including Damian.

Within seconds he picked up up a signal from Raven he couldn't find any on Damian no surprise there. He must have taken it of... Again!

"Titans Tower"

"Titan Tower!!"

"wait I get how Raven got there", said gar "but how did Damian"

"it would take at least three days with his bike speed plus air travel to get there", added Connor

"he got there a lot faster after all Cyborg boom tubed him there", came NightWings simple reply

Garfield and Jamie got up at the exact same time "Cyborg was here!", they screamed in unison

"why didn't you tell us amigo", asked Jamie

NightWing just shrugged his shoulders

"did he bring pizza", asked gar

Jamie raised an eyebrow "dude is that the only thing you can think about"

       "what I'm hungry plus he's a literal walking pizza machine"

That was kinda true, so Jamie decided not to push the matter further, Garfield didn't though, he looked at NightWing for answers

"well did he"

"no Gar he didn't"

Garfield turned into a sad green puppy and whimpered while rubbing his belly. But instead of getting a bit of sympathy he was totally ignored. Alice secretly giggled at this but Garfield who was able to hear here with his puppy ears winked at her and she giggled a little louder. 

Zack who was next to her heard it and asked  "what's so funny "

Alice quickly shut up. She sat up straight composing her posture then fake coughed she glared at the already snickering green dog and looked at her brother "nothing"

Zack knew she was lying but decided not to push further after all he knew how playful his sister could be.

Garfield was laughing hysterically now "Garfield!! "screamed Kori "be serious for once"

Puppy gar was so frightened he ran towards a tree and hid behind it shivering and looking so vulnerable and cute. Alice burst out laughing. Everyone looked at her like she was crazy she quickly quietened down noticing everyone's stares.

The puppy quietly snickered, careful not to attract any more attention. Alice was silently fuming. She made a mental note in her head   'remember the green one dies first '

Back at Titans Tower

"Damian what are you doing here"

"looking for you"
Raven cleared her throat "I'm perfectly fine as you can see"

    "are you"

He stepped closer "really"

Raven taken aback by the close proximity couldn't speak
    "I.. ", stammering "I don't know "

Damian moved closer. Raven breached her self for what could be another kiss. She closed her eyes expecting him.  But nothing came, then Damian said "running away like that wouldn't solve anything", then he stepped back putting space between them.

Raven was a bit dissapointed though she wasn't sure why.  Her dissapointed was soon replaced by anger seeing how unsympathetic Damian was being about her whole situation and just when she thought he was being sensitive and caring he became the old snub dick head she somehow learned to live with.

Damian didn't know what he was thinking when they were so close, he already knew the effects of the close proximity he had so created . Sure he had some thoughts but they were just thoughts. He saw her close her eyes expecting something. He wanted to meet her expectations but refrained. It would be best for both of them if they kept some distance things were weird enough already .

Damian was a bit taken aback by her tone.
       "sorry", she mumbled "I'm just a bit tired  I guess"
         "so is the rest of the team but I can only imagine what your going through and believe it or not I've experienced the same thing so I can at least guess how your feeling " Damian crouched down to her and held out his hands "now common let's", he gave her one of his signature smirks, she gave him a smile of her own and took his hand.

Damian led her to his motorcycle parked outside the tower. Raven raised an eyebrow "you know I can teleport us back right"

    "and who said we're going back "
Raven glanced at him questionly and took a seat behind him
       he wore her a helmet "hold on"
"knowing you, you don't have to tell me twice "

    And they sped away .

Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now