Where Are You ?

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Gar looked at the pile of assassins along with his own teammates on the floor and the now disappeared Raven portal remains circling in the air like pixi dust "okay what just happened "

Everyone looked at Damian expecting him to fill them in on everything that occurred while inside Raven and the possible answer to her sudden disappearance. The truth was Damian wasn't sure what happened either, yes he intentionally got swallowed to get to Raven, then he found her stuck in some form of magical reverie, if you will, and got her to snap out of...... He got her to snap out of it..  .. He...  Oh my God.

Damian covered his now crimson cheeks, feeling his slightly wet lips, wet through the transmission of saliva between Ravens mouth and his.

Dick looked at Damian worriedly he could tell something definitely happened that involved the two main parties,, he just wasn't sure whether it was a good or bad thing. "Damian", he called out

Immediately Damian snapped out of his illusion facing the crowd in front of him. He gave a light cough got up dusted his uniform and composed himself, starting at his curious associates "as you all know I intentionally got swallowed to find Raven, when I did she was stuck in some sort of trance, so I freed her from it "

"and how did you do that ", asked NightWing

Damian coughed a little at the thought "through some special means"

"what means ",questioned Beetle

"it's not important ", but Dick wasn't buying it, something went down and he was going to find out what and if it happened to be something juicy  he may or may not keep his mouth shut.

"as I was saying ", Damian continued "I found Raven and freed her thus freeing all of you ", he gestured his hands towards all her captives

"then why did she run off like that is she okay ", Donna was really worried about Ravens behavior after all she disappeared without a trace and her cheeks were flushed  which was very unusual, for an anti-emotional mage.

Dick took this as an opportunity to speak ""yes Damian do tell us did something happen while you were in there "

Damian revield no sign of emotion and said nonchalantly "no, not anything I haven't already informed you all about "

"are you sure ", urged Night Wang obviously not ready to give up

"yes I'm sure,, now if you would excuse me ",he turned to leave

"we're you going hermano"

Damian came to a halt his head slightly turned back and with a blank tone he answered "to check on Rraven"

Then he left leaving everyone dumbfounded, some confused and one angry .

Ravens pov
I stepped through my portal with no time to waste. I wanted to get out of there before anyone would notice how red my face has gotten. I prayed that Damian had only kept quiet. Knowing him I'm sure he did after all he wouldn't want NightWing to endlessly tease him.

I took a deep breath. It was only then I realized I was back in my room at the tower.   I tried to calm down. To many emotions were spinning at once and I could barely keep track of them.

Never in my six years of training have I lost focused so why now and all because of.......

"Ring ring ring"
I picked up my phone and checked the ID.
My face turned crimson as I saw his name.

What's he calling for. Does he want to talk about... Oh Azar no definitely no.

I began to pace around the room in panic I felt nervous and a bit jittery like Donna when ever she watches her romantic soap opera when the guy is about to pick the love of his life.

Silly right
       Tell me about it

My forehead had broken with beads of sweat as I stared at the phone
          Still ringing

With a quick press of my finger I swiped the phone over to the red side. I didn't want to talk to him not yet at least. I sighed switched off my phone and dropped my phone on my  table not bothering to look at it.

I did however stare at my reflection on the mirror and touched the gem on my forehead.


I quickly retracted my finger and silently cursed. My gem was glowing all this time and I didn't even notice. Fuck for just how long was I out.

I glared at my smaller mirror engraved with  dark vines and sighed.

I guess it's time to take a visit.


Damian looked at his phone in frustration. He was trying to get to Raven but she didn't answer.

He tried one last time and the loud not so nice voice of the phone could be heard.
      "sorry but this phone has been switched off  please try again later "

Damian burst out screaming "are you Fucking kidding me what do you mean the phone is switched off"

"useless ", he threw the expensive phone on the wall and it shattered to pieces.  After all he could just buy another one. One that wouldn't interfere with his calling after all he was capable of making that type of technology.

Damian still enraged was screaming, cursing  and kicking as if by doing this would make all his problems dissipate.

His hands slicked his thick now long smooth black hair back as he squeezed his eyes shut   and slowly exhaled "dammit Raven ", his eyes opened and he looked at the ceiling "where are you "

He was loosing his mind which rarely happens. Slowly he calmed down thankful no one saw him loose his composure. That would just be embarrassing on his part.

He realized that screaming and stumping like a child wouldn't find Raven but it sure helps get out all that anger and aggression. Maybe that's what Raven needs. To let our her emotions. Maybe that would keep her calm for a few more years.

Damian sighed.

One's things for sure he had to find Raven.
Luckily the tracker he put on her (don't ask) was not affected by the fight .

He picked out his other expensive phone with an unbreakable phone case in case he got angry which if you look at it happens on a daily basis and dialed

.............it's ringing
     "hey Cyborg I need your help "

Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now