Beautiful Mistakes

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Zack appeared to Raven
"What do you want"
"To help you"
"You want revenge on the bat don't you", she nodded "then follow my lead"

Zack offered her his hand, she took it and pulled her closed to him

"Just what do you think.. "

"BE MINE", he said then passionately kissed Raven.

Damian watched as his long time Best friend and rival kissed the girl of his dreams. She didn't even struggle or tear away, he watched his heart turn and broken.

He looked away angry at himself for thinking, no for believing there could be something, but he was wrong.

Then Raven saw him and realization dawned on her but it was too late. She red the emotions in his eyes.

Love, hate , regret envy and pain

She felt the same agonizing pain, but she didn't pull away, her pride didn't let her. She kissed him with the same amount of passion.

He was hurt, torn, broken. He ran.

Seeing his departing figure, she let go of Zack, pushing him aside, then she opened a portal back to her room, she began to meditate, letting the darkness engulf her, she felt safe, calm. Her happy place.

A tall figure came out from the tree she once wass in, her golden hair glowed in the night . Her eyes shimmered with tears, her smile as shaken as the leaves. She stood there as a witness, she stood there lost.


Alice walked back to her home, she needed a drink, so she headed straight to the bar. A series of head ache overtook her and anger took its place, sadness stood by the side waiting for a chance to strike.

Alice looked around for the bar attendant, but she saw no one, the bar was empty just like her heart.

Going straight to the expensive wines on display, Alice picked one of the oldest ones, to her they tasted better and she needed to drown herself in sweetness. She deserved it didn't she, after all today was her birthday.

Some shitty birthday that is

Without wasting time, she got herself a clean cup and stated taking shots. She was down to her third glass when she felt someone's presence, with clear drunk eyes, she brought out her hidden knife in her dress ready to strike.

With great speed and agility, she turned around and grabbed the person sneaking up behind her, the knife so close to his throat.

The guy gulped then raised his hands in surrender. Realizing he was no threat and looked familiar, Alice decided to let go and turned back to her drink.

The frightened guy gave a sigh of relief and sat down next to her when he was sure it would be safe. Alice glanced at him for a second before gulping down her drink.

He cleared his throat.
"Can I join you"
She didn't respond, he was about to leave, then Alice stood up to get another bottle and cup, she filled it to the brim with wine and then passed it to her companion. He smiled taking the silent invitation with great pleasure. They drank silently together.


Damian was ready to break hell loose, the only thing stopping him was his pride and self awareness. He couldn't let Raven know she had succeeded in breaking him, he didn't want her to know she had won and yet at the same time he Soo wished he could hold her small figure in his arms, head beried in her shoulders, inhaling her wonderful sent.

He couldn't let his thoughts get carried away, what they once had was gone, all traces of it left,as soon as she pressed her lips to his.

Damian's rage was fueled even more as he thought about it. The pain in his chest getting bigger, compressing him and his many spiralling emotions.

It's my fault, it's all my fault

Yes indeed it was. Damian then felt a deep surge of regret. If he had known he wouldn't have bothered getting her. He was an assassin for crying out loud, the son of Batman, grandson of the great Ras Al ghoul, a future king of riches, fame and greatness, he could get anything, whenever he wants. So why should a little girl affect him Soo much. No he refused to accept it. Taking deep breaths he calmed his demeanor and with dead eyes filled with determination, he made a silent promise
Raven Roth from this day forward, you're dead to me


At the bar
Alice who had drank way too much was telling the guy how rotten her party went with her date, who she was sure he knew of. Everybody knew.

"And then he just ran off chasing her, I have never seen him act like that in all my life, he was so conservative and serious, the perfect leader, but when she came along he changed"

He nodded in acknowledgement and for her to continue.

"And I don't know, I really think she's the one for him, you saw how Damian looked at her in practice. I hate to admit it but they make the perfect pair. It's just that..", she held her glass tighter "I thought he and I .. something you know"

He nodded again nudging her to go on

"And am I not hot enough?, I mean body like wise"

"You are"
"Then why can't he..... Ugh, some birthday I've had, anyway I'm sorry for just babbling"

"It's fine truth is, I also got dumped by the person I loved the most, truth is, the other guy was waaay more handsome and outstanding than I am"

"It's true, I wanted her, and she wanted him. It was a kind of one sided love triangle, with me as the third wheel"

"For the record I think you're very handsome"

"Thanks and I think you're hot in both ways, honest"

She smiled, he smiled, both drunk, lost and broken, yet found in each other.

Alice wasn't sure who moved first, but she soon found herself on the bar table, with her companion on top her, their bodies dangerously close, then they kissed hungrily, longingly, each trying to take control while imagining the latter of the person that could have been. Lost in the heat, tears and passion of it all.

Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now