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"Wait wait wait"
         Damian stopped "what is it?"
Raven lowered her head embarrassed "I didn't come with any swim attire"
         "that's okay" replied Damian nonchalantly "you could swim in your underwear I don't mind "
       Raven gaped,  Damian only just realizing what he said tried to take it back"no no no what I mean is well I'm not a pervert and you are my teammate so it's pretty okay"
      Her brows furrowed "are you trying to say I'm not attractive? "
       "no you are it's just ", fuck! If only she knew
"you can swim In full clothing if you find it more comfortable", he proceeded to move her towards the pool,  Raven stopped in her tracks taking off her cloak the only thing she had on covering her body leaving herself in her black lingerie, with her hands on her waist she gave Damian a daring look "so how do I look now, did I meet your expectations Mr Wayne"she asked in another sultry voice.
       Damian didn't know what was wrong with him but his entire body was overheating due to the course of action "hot... ", his voice came out low and husky
       "what's that Wayne I'm afraid I didn't hear you, cat got your tongue",  the latter came outside in a flirty manner, even the way she cocked her head and tilted her waist to the side was a sign no man could ignore, Damian being no exception.
          Damian who was at his weakness barely able to control himself tried to calm down but Raven wasn't making it easier for him especially with her moves which was similar to that of a seductress, if Damian didn't know any better seeming as Raven has no feelings for him, he might have thought she was trying to seduce him right then.  But in truth that's exactly what she was doing he just didn't realize it.

     Impulse, anticipation, fire, she tried to keep it under control but her emotions refused to lay at bay. While Damian was gaining control of himself, Raven was silently losing her composure, but of course being the proud person she was she refused to let her uneasiness sleek put,  so she had to call lust for this one,  and lust was more than happy to help with
                "You're finally growing up Raven,  and don't worry about your little friend, I promise to serve him well.  Looks to me he can't last any longer, though who could blame him. You did a good job Raven,  now it's my turn"

    He didn't know if he was hallucinating or not, but as he took the slight change in Ravens aura and his body turned 🔥 HOT.  It was getting slightly hard to control his breathing. Furthermore Raven looked great, glowing in fact, she really was glowing a dark scented purple aura that sent Damian shaking. So much for the son of batman and his strong will to resist temptation. Well the devil was playing with him now.

   And slowly she walked taking light steps towards him, watching him crumble between her feet. Lust was once again happy she was able to bring him down and she didn't have to lift a finger, he was to taken by her.  Sure Raven did all the work but of course she lust would talk full credit for it. She stopped when there was barely enough distance between them. She wrapped her arms around his neck and Damian was taken aback not sure how they got into that position. She had to admit the Damian Wayne of today was much taller than the Damian of four years ago when he was still a peepsqueek, but now if she wasn't wrong he was even taller than Sick. Mama Likey, and he was handsome especially with those compelling green orbs he had as eyes. She pushed forward attempting to get a closer look. She saw his eyes flicker and turn darker.  She lost her breath and footing,  tripping on Damian only for them to fall down together on the ground with Raven on top. Yes Raven was back due to the pressure the fall caused and lust was silently cursing in her head for escaping such an intimate moment, nevertheless she whispered words of wisdom to her comrade here's your chance. But Raven didn't make the first move before she could do anything, Damian had turned her over leaving himself at the top,  he held her waist with brutal force so she couldn't escape his grip, bringing his face towards hers  he whispered in a deep husky voice "what are you doing to me", and his lips crashed hers and she felt fireworks 🎆.

   Kori didn't know what to do as she paced around the room feeling worried. Dick stood not to far away watching her until he grew tired of his girlfriend endless suffering and decided to offer a shoulder.
     He walked towards her slowly "kori", immediately she turned around facing him and when he saw the tears in her eyes, his heart felt pierced, "oh Dick", she rushed over to him and he held her in his arms, rubbing her back as she continued to sob on his shirt which was becoming wet due to her tears. "it's okay Kori everything will be okay I promise", he tried to comfort her with his words but she was way past comfort. She looked up from his chest looking straight at him her eyes shimmering widely like glass at the bridge of breaking, with a muffled voice she said, "how can you say that", "Kori...... " "No" her voice increased in volume and became more sharp "it's not okay,  Raven is going on a raging rampage, the titans spirits are low,  the world is in serious danger,  two titans are now missing and we are literally living in enemy base, so tell me Sick how is everything going to be okay", tears continued to streak down her face and instead of being transparent they were light gold,  the color of a Tamaranians tears.  He held her tight pressing her to him"I don't know how but we're going to fix everything after all we're not cold the teen titans for nothing", seeing she had calmed down he gently kissed her head and she found comfort in his embrace.

Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now