Break In

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     "If....", Batman didn't have time to finish his sentence because the crime alert went off. While Damian was secretly relieved, Bruce was busy cursing 'now I have to prolong this father and son chat for later'.

    Batman and Robin gave each other a knowing glance and within seconds they were down at the bat cave were both teams had already have assembled.

  Dick being the eldest and most knowledgeable had taken charge during Batman's small absence, not that anyone was complaining. Although someone wasn't too happy about it. Bruce walked over to Night Wing and automatically took over.

   "What's the situation", Bruce asked.
Nightwing leaned in, Damian didn't seem happy about the close proximity both of them were sharing.

    "It's a robbery, they've breaking into the major city bank volt at West wing".
  "Where you able to identify them.."
"No.., well they do look strange a little familiar, not like any normal robbers either, though I can't exactly pinpoint were I've seen them...."

  "So their skilled then..
"I think it's more than that"

"That's because their assassin's", Damian who didn't like being ignored stepped in "my mother's to be exact"

  Everyone gasped, wasn't the supposed Talia Al ghoul dead.

They were all thinking the same thing, after all she had come back from the dead once. Damian cleared them of their doubts

    "Don't worry she's dead", it took him so much effort to squeeze out that sentence, Bruce could sense his pain but chose to keep silent about it, knowing just the type of woman his mother was it would be best not to mention, plus seeing this he wasn't so sure he's beloved was dead.

    "But if Talia isn't the one controlling their move who is ?", Asked Dick

  "But most importantly.." added Bruce "what business do they have in Gotham"

  Everyone looked to Damian waiting for some answers. The young bat feeling their stares shook his head.

  "I have no idea, mother never mentioned anything about a third party, and no one could possibly take over but one of the royal bloodline, that or slade, but those options are ruled out, since both are dead except me of course"

   Dick brought his hand forward, clicking a few keys to find their exact location "whatever it is I'm sure it's  linked with the previous recruitment of vilians in jump city"

  Starfire moved forward " are you sure"

  "There's a seventy percent chance, look at this", he pointed to the big screen gaining everyone's attention, there were two arrows different locations

   Raven spoke "they split up but why"

Damian looked forward then something clicked "one of them is headed to the museum and the other to the hall of Justice"

  Barbara took a step in "but why would they need to go there..."

   "To steal something", the young birds spoke at the same time earning brief looks from the other. Damian continued

    "Their stealing ancient artafacts from the Egyptian regime, and the hall of Justice just happened to have a few magical items, a generous donation from Constance", he said mockingly "a no clear coincidence which means Grayson's speculation is accurate, there is a link with the recent happenings in jump City"

   Silence filled the room, something big was going to happen something bad and whatever it is, they weren't sure if they could stop it.


Bruce having enough of everyone's input on the matter and trying to digest the information he just heard as well as mentally cursing for the bad timing of the events as he was about to have a fatherly talk with his son, decided to take action.

  Turning to dick he said "Nightwing, Kori get ready, Damian suit up, their your assassin's or at least part of your league, Raven your involved as well, you guys take the West wing while Dick and Kori take the south"

    They all nodded, Dick quickly got on his bike with Kori strapped behind him, Raven opened a portal and the two birds were gone.

Forgive me for how short it is, the next chapter will definitely be longet

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