Training Training and more Training

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Ravens pov

My arms was starting to get tired I've been doing the same punches for like an hour, it was already 6:30 am, I looked at Damian, he had a smirk on his face, I couldn't believe he was finding pleasure in my frustration I wanted to wipe that stupid smirk off his face.

"your enjoying this aren't you "I said while panting

"maybe a little "his smile widening

"why you... ", I longed at him, throwing swift blows which he dodged easily

"to slow ",he said mockingly

I threw another blow, he caught my hand midriff and flinged me over him
I hit the ground arm.

I got up and attacked again this time I was able to catch him off guard using that to my advantage I hit him hard on his chest, he didn't even flinch, it's like my punch didn't have any effect on him.

He swiftly used his fist and gave me a direct blow in my stomach, which sent me flying, crashing into the wall .
That was the last straw, no more Mrs nice girl , I got up my powers taking over, Damian drew his sword, let's just say things were about to get more intense.

Damian ran towards me with his sword beside him, I cast a protective spell around me, a purple shield forming around me, Damian sword clashed into it trying to break it, I looked at him and smirked, it was my turn to enjoy his frustration.

"your not getting me that easily ",I said with a huge smile plastered across my face

"I won't celebrate yet if I were you ", he smirked

"what are you.... ",Damian pointed towards my shorts, I didn't see what he was gesturing to at first, but when I looked closer, I saw tiny smoke bombs ,they started beeping and before it the entire air around me was polluted with smoke and I was being engulfed by it.

I had to release my force field to let air come in but as soon as I did, Damian attacked, my defense was down and I was still gasping for oxygen so of course Damian would use this as an opportunity to strike.

Before you could say pumpernickel I was on the ground pinned by my sparing partner, I couldn't believe it, I had been out smarted by a mere mortal, although Damian wasn't like any mortal, he was as strong as a horse fast as the wind and his brain worked like a highly standard computer, nope he definitely wasn't ordinary after all he was trained by assassins,now raised as the son of batman and was now a member of the Teen Titans, nope definitely not ordinary.

I was still on the floor looking like an idiot, he came up to me and held out his hand and without hesitating I. took it, he pulled me up towards him ,then whispered in my ear

"you have spirit I give you that, but you are reckless, unstable and not observant, basically on the battlefield your an easy target"

I can't believe he said that at least I fought fairly, I didn't pull up some dirty trick like he did.

"but nice tr....."
Before he could finish his sentence I used my leg to knock him off his feet, as he was about to hit the ground, I grabbed a fistful of his shirt, catching him mid air. I looked at him straight in the eyes "who looks unstable now "
He looked at me and smiled "well done but you forgot one thing "

"What", I asked confused

"never let your guard down "

And with that Damian grabbed my arm, throwing me off balanced making me fall down with him. I was on top of him now ,we were so close I could almost feel his breath a strand of my hair fell on my face and Damian slowly put it back in its place , I smiled at him

"you know that was a dirty move back there ", I said while using my index finger to boop his nose. I tried lifting myself up only to be pushed back down by Damian, he raised an eyebrow looking at me with those enchanting jade eyes "was it ", before I could answer he moved closer closing the gap between us, cupping my face with his hands, my heart beat increased with each passing second, before he could go further we were interrupted by a familiar voice.

"hey guys Kori said....... Woow I'm I interrupting something ",

I looked up to see Garfield staring at us with a shocked look on his face, Damian coughed as if giving me a signal, I got off

"no you weren't we were just training then there was an accident and I fell we weren't doing anything ", I fumbled in my words as I tried to explain what he saw transpiring between Damian and me.

Damian was no help either as he just stood beside me, not really sure himself what we were doing just now typical Damian.

"um... Okay, by the way Kori wants the whole team outside she has an announcement to make"

"okay we'll be there just give us a second "

"okay", then he left the room
I gave out a sigh of relief "come on Damian, let's go, we don't want to keep Kori waiting now do we"

"I suppose not ",he said and we left the room together.

Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now