Meeting Him

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She couldn't believe her shock as she continued to stare at him, it felt like a dream, he was everything she wanted and more, he was her ex partner, old friend and ex lover.

Emiko blinked her eyes a few times wondering if she had just been imagining it, then she called out to him softly.... "Damian".

Damian looked down at the young girl below him, he knew her, she wasn't perfect but neither is anyone for that matter. He knew her as an old aquiatance, an ex super hero and then just ex, in a span of two years.

Their relationship was bleek and there were too many gaps with not much regret. They had been in a fast pace relationship which Damian was fine with having, but Emiko wanted more of it.

"I can't believe it, it's really you", Emiko sighed blissfully, secretly pinching herself to contain her excitement, it's not every day you get to chat with the notorious Damian Wayne.

Her movement didn't go passed his sharp eyes, but he ignored it nevertheless.

"What are you doing here"

"Probably the same thing you're doing"
"Well what brought you back to this side of town"

"Oh does it have anything to do with your father", Damian gave a deep grunt, although he'd prefer to keep things private, he knew his father and possibly the league would get involved. Though there was no guarantee, Damian was sure of that mishap happening.

Emiko was one of the few people who knew the bat family's secret identities and Damian would prefer to keep it that way, so to prevent her from giving out more information to the hidden eyes and ears he was sure was watching them, he grabbed her by the hand and pulled her away.

Emiko was stunned stiff as Damian held her hand after all he hadn't even done that when they were together and although it seemed like he had no secret romantic tension of doing so, it still felt like a dream come true. So Emiko allowed her self to be whisked away by Damian, not minding being dragged around one bit.

When Damian was busy escorting Emiko out, he felt his phone vibrate, it was Dick calling.

Damian smirked and picked the phone" hello Grayson, did you like my gift"

"You, you cheated, you took that bike didn't you"

"I cheated what about your Sonic powered vehicle or should I say bus"

"But yo you......"
"The fact is, you lost the bet"

"That sign you made doesn't prove anything, you could have asked Alfred to do it just to tease"

"Tch, please stop making petty excuses for your failure to deliver, don't believe me then ask Alfred, I'm sure you know he won't lie to you or better yet check my room you'll see my empty luggage with everything set in place, what I'm trying to say is, you lost, now you owe me so get over it"

"This isn't over"
"That'll teach you not to bet with an Al ghoul, goodbye Grayson".


"Was that Dick?, He sounded angry"

Emiko who was trying so hard not to look like she had easedroped on his conversation by playing dumb and innocent , but Damian was no fool, and just when he was about to causion her, his phone interrupted him once again.

Assuming it was Dick wanting to leash out on him, Damian didn't bother to check the ID.

"Grayson,if you're calling to...."

"Forgive me Master Damian, dinner is ready and everyone is waiting, your father is expecting you"

"Alright Alfred I'm on my way"

Seeing Damian's serious expression, Emiko could only guess what had happened.

"Is there trouble"
"No, Alfred is just reminding me I'm late for dinner"

"Alfred's cooking, no way, can I please tag along, it's been years since I last tasted his dishes"

Damian thought about it for a second, if he brought Emiko along at least he'd have some leverage on his dad over dinner, surely Bruce wouldn't date to question him with Emiko present

"Sure, hop on"

Emiko got on behind Damian and held him tight enjoying the feeling of his hard muscles on her hands, she had brought her own ride, but there was no way she was telling him that.

She held him tighter as they speed through the night.

Getting to Wayne Manor, Damian walked in like he owned the place with Emiko following closely behind him.

He was met with the Dining room filled with the whole bat gang as well as his team, eye's followed them as Damian pulled out a sit for Emiko and one for himself, choosing to sit beside her and opposite his father.

The atmosphere turned a bit awkward, then Todd said something stupid to break the silence and everyone went back to their own activities, except four orbs, two purple and two blue that watched them intently.

Who is that!?

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