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        "You lied !
You lied!
     You lied!
     Raven you lied to us"

"Because......... I was ...... I was....
         Tell me Why?

                                       ... I was afraid"

Ravens POV

      They didn't say it but I knew that's how they felt. Their thoughts unspoken lingered in my mind. Like a broken cam recorder it played over and over again.

     They were right. I am a liar and there's no changing that. I could feel my father's jubilation within me. It made me sick. I wanted to throw up so badly it hurt. I avoided their gaze which wasn't necessary since I could still feel their distrust without having to look at their eyes.

    The way he looked at me wasn't surprising. Damian has always had an issue of trusting others, that was one of the things we couldn't break. Even with a team he still had his doubts. Damian trusted know one and that has been a fact since day one.

    No, what was surprising was how the other's didn't trust me. Not even star looked like she was on my side.

  I don't blame them. What I hid from them wasn't just some small old lover. No it was much bigger than that. I had to say it. I had to tell them just how I saved Azarath.

Back To Third POV

   "Are we being followed"


     "You sure"

"Jeez star, of course I'm sure, this isn't like you"

   "I know I know I'm sorry, I just need a little time, it's probably the stress"

    Nightwing sighed, "I know star, you have every right to worry but I just need you to hold on a little longer. I have a feeling that all of this would end soon"

Star closed her eyes for a second clearly exhausted "I hope your right"


    "And when it is I'll take you out to dinner"

     She giggled "I look forward to that"

   "Let's go", he nodded then followed her out of the room. His mind was lost in thought at the same time he was busy hoping they had some news about Conner and Jamie, even if it was bad, just as long as they were alive everything would work out.

         Starfire and Nightwing were already there waiting. The moment they spotted Donna and Gar they asked for the whereabouts of Damian and Raven but Donna shook her head and said she couldn't find them anywhere.

            Nightwing brought out his communicator ready to call them when a black portal appeared out of nowhere and Damian stepped in with Raven behind him.

     Keeping his communicator he started "I'll ask the two of you where you've been later but since I gathered you all here I have something to say..."

   "Hold that thought" Damian cut him off "Raven has something to tell you", he took a quick glance at her "it's about her planet, Azarath". He paused "it's alive, and", he looked at her again "it has something to do with her father's awakening"

      To Donna who was a newcomer and new nothing about the planet wasn't as shocked as the others

        Nightwing broke the silence "what do you mean Azarath is alive, her planet was destroyed wasn't it Raven"

Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now