Be Mine

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Raven couldn't stand it anymore. Watching Damian being so close to her, he even dared to flirt and throw hugs. Raven didn't know whether she should be sad or angry, but she did know her emotions were spiralling out of control and that she needed to leave that party.

   She stood up only to catch Damian dancing with Alice, her sadness and anger intensified. Her red gem glowed and Raven felt a striking pain on her head.

  Garfield who had been staring at her all the while noticed it earlier and rushed to grab her from behind when it seemed like she was about to fall.

  Damian who had been secretly watching Raven all this while turned gloomy when he saw Garfield leaving his seat to hug Raven at her back an obvious romantic gesture in Damian's eyes.  Damian gritted his teeth and hugged Alice tighter as they were dancing, he even went as far as giving her a slight Peck on the lips.

  Raven who saw it all couldn't keep it in, she pushed Garfield away and ran out of the party, with a stultified Gar chasing after her.

   Alice who was having the time of her life thought that Damian was finally warming up to her and forgetting all about that sorry bitch. After the peck he gave her, although small she felt ecstatic, she couldn't help but giggle

         "Oh Damian cool down we're in public you know, you're so bad, and I like it, but if you want to take me now I don't mind, we could skip the party and go straight to my room for some more fun", she said seductively while making love marks on Damian's chest with her finger, anticipating his reply.

  Damian was trying to hold back his puke from spewing all over her even though she deserved it, he wasn't that gross.... Damian had not intended for things to get this far. He had watched as Raven abruptly leaving the room with Garfield in chase, feeling her sadness and hate. He wasn't sure who the hate was directed at, him or Alice.

    He looked at the blonde girl in his arms who gave him the sweetest smile. It didn't feel right, but what could he do he made a deal with Zack and intended on keeping it, he was an Al'ghoul after all and no Al'ghoul had ever gone back on their word it was simply unheard of, but Damian couldn't just shake that empty feeling and he knew what was causing it, he had to make things right not because he was an Al'ghoul or because of his father's teaching but because he wanted to.
      With a sigh Damian let go of Alice's hands almost too quickly that she almost lost her balance. He made no effort to catch her. "Alice if you don't mind I have to go use the bathroom"
     Alice smiled for a minute there she thought Damian was going to dumb her and chase Raven, "well if you're that pressed why didn't you say so, I don't mind waiting for you", she leaned in pressing her body to his to close for comfort and whispered seductively"and when you get back we could......", but before she could finish Damian had already untangled himself from her, it took all of his self restraint not to throw her away. "Uh Alice I really need to..."

She raised her hands defensively"say no more I get it you need to get ready don't you, don't worry like I said I'm willing to wait"

   Damian didn't know how she could get his intentions so wrongly when he was being so clear, but it didn't matter anyway, he needed to find Raven first.

    Unknown to the troubled couple they had a big audience.

   🇳🇬 🇳🇬 🇳🇬 🇳🇬 🇳🇬 🇳🇬 🇳🇬 🇳🇬. 🇳🇬
Damian ran all the way to Raven's room only to discover she wasn't there.

     Where on earth could she be

It didn't seem to be like Raven to be anywhere else other than her room. Damian didn't have much of a choice he had to search the whole island for her, it would be worth it once he finds her.

Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now