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    Raven woke up panting, her head throbbing. She felt light yet heavy, but that wasn't what struck her. Touching her head she found out she couldn't remember a thing. She felt like she had missed something important but didn't know what.

      Trying to remember was pointless, she decided to convince herself that the reason for her short term memory loss was due to her father's tricks. He must have tried to intercept her mind somehow but got blocked, resetting her mind in the process.

    Even with all that reasoning Raven couldn't explain the lingering pain in her heart. It was a pain she fully understood yet couldn't at the same time. Her heart longed for something or at least someone, but when she tried to think of that someone she could only make out a figure. Nothing more. Checking the time Raven realized it was almost sunrise. A moment she always looked forward to having. Today however felt different, she was neither in the mood or excited as she used to. Bothersome memories began to fill her mind, leaving her nostalgic. Closing her eyes in pain her body gave in to sleep. Lol

        .................      .................    ............

    "Wait please don't go".  Damian got up with a start, panting. His hand held out to something no longer reachable. Silent streams of tears trickled down his face. He clunked to his chest feeling both sad and happy. It was the first time ever he wished he was dead. But for some unknown reason he found a new way to want to live.  'wait please don't go', Damian looked at his palm 'but who was I calling out to just now'. He strained his ears, the soft voice of a woman still lingered in his ears, even though he heard no words.  In the depth of his soul he wondered who would have shook him so. He felt loved yet hated. Surely it wasn't anyone of relation. He never had intimate moments with his relations. That is unless they were engaged in a death battle. Where such things even considered intimate?

      The boy closed his eyes and tried to envision those sweet moments again.

   "Thank you my name is Damian"
'who was i talking to'

   "You have pretty eyes"
    "Thank you, you have pretty eyes as well...........they remind me of the forest"

  'where have I heard that before'

"So you're a witch"

"I was talking to a witch?"

"I'm afraid so "


          Violet. Her eyes were

Damian felt a sudden pain in his head and blanked out for 5 minutes. He opened his eyes again and stared at the dark ceiling. He raised his hand forward as if to chase something.

    In a daze he spoke quietly to himself
"I was definitely talking to someone, but who was it, I don't remember. "

"Purple, I wonder why I thought of that, but for some reason the color seems comforting"

            Thank you

With that thought in his mind Damian succumbed back to sleep. He was exhausted both mentally and physically (all us onlookers can only wish him goodnight in our hearts).

,..,............ ......................  ..............

      Dick entered the training room. He felt weird not seeing the baby bat there for once, even though he wasn't to fond of him himself. Yet the whole air felt erie and heavy. The thoughts of his missing teammates still lingered in his mind. And as if that wasn't enough there was still that chat with Constantine he had to think about.

     'seriously when all this is over I'm going to retire and lie in Starfire's embrace for the rest of my life'

     Training was one way to get rid of stress and pent up emotions and since Dick was feeling both he had much more calories to burn.

   The door slid open. Dick turned to see who had stepped into the room. He was expecting his lover. He was disappointed instead.

    "You're awake"


   "How did that happen, you were knocked out cold"

    "Don't know, I was knocked out cold"

   "Did Raven visit you", that didn't sound like a question

    "No, was she supposed to"

"Came here to train"


"Need a spar partner"

    "I'll pass"

"To scared" Dick teased

    "Nope, just not interested"

Damian walked passed him and picked up a rod. He was going old school. Usually he'd use a knife, blade, sword, basically anything with a sharp edge. His choice of weapon was questionable, but Dick thought it would be wise to keep shut. If Damian picked it then he must know how to use it, plus he wasn't about to sign up for a needles argument about weapons.

       Pretending as if the other did not exist they both trained separately. No form of discussion was followed after.

While Starfire was busy in the kitchen making lunch, Gar still lay unconscious. Dick was no where to be found and Raven was heavily immersed in her spell book trying to make sense of the connection Constantine talked about.  She had already spent two hours in that position and she showed no signs of moving.

   The burnt smell of mashed potatoes filled the air. No surprise there. Starfire made a good leader and a good superhero, she might even make a good mother, but if there was one thing she couldn't make, it was a good cook. She was trying however. Studying countless cook books that left the Titan kitchen in disarray when she practiced. Dick encouraged her nevertheless not knowing what else to do.

      Simultaneously two individuals walked in the room, one looking exhausted and the other looking like nothing like in particular.

    "Let me help you with that"

Raven raised her head away from her book for the first time since she got into the room.  She looked straight, directly at him, but he wasn't looking at her.

               "You're awake '


Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now