Day 3 to the Mission

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        "We've been sneaking around for some time now"

        "We're getting close"

"That's what you said thirty minutes ago. I'm I supposed to believe that"

     "You sound a bit irritated, we're is my piece loving star"

     "You left her at the tower, wanna go back for her", she said annoyed,

   "Woah was that sarcasm. Where did you pick that up. Raven?"

     "Who cares let's just get back"

Starfire wasn't sure what was going on with her, but she did know she felt more irritated and anxious than normal. She didn't like throwing such words, especially at her beloved, but she couldn't help it. Her emotions weren't exactly what one would call calm at the moment. All she could do was dump her stress on her partner who to whom she was grateful for took no offense in it.

    "So what is this really about", he asked.

     "What do you mean by that"

"Well you're definitely angry about something and I know this isn't it"

   "I'm not angry just stressed okay"

"Alright let's be quick so we can go back and get you unstressed"

  "Roger that"

In a dark enclosed room a line of light trailed the work table present in the room. The curtains swayed slightly though there was no sign of wind. A shadow passed through the light. The shadow brought out a white envelope. The envelope stuck out from the dark frame and looked as if it was floating in mid air.

    The shadow carefully placed the envelope on the desk where the light lazed about so it could be easily, then skillfully retreated through the window without coming in contact with the light.

  The curtains danced again then stopped and remained unmoving.

     Just as the shadow had left the door creaked open. A figure stepped in taking his time to observe the room. Nothing seemed amiss, but still he felt the presence of another, his senses where never wrong and then he saw it. The white envelope illuminated by the golden light that had slipped past his window looked ordinary. He walked closer then picked it up, there was nothing special about it, it was just a plain white envelope, he checked the back for an address but saw non, there was no seal, no stamp, nothing. With a sigh, he took off the lead and brought out the letter inside. The light served as his lamp as he read and his eyes shone for every word he wrote. It said...

.........   ...........

"What do you mean. Azarath was destroyed wasn't it?"
     Raven looked distraught not knowing how to respond to his accusations. She decided at last she would play the dumb card but Damian was having non of that.

   "Raven explain!",he sounded angry

"Explain what ", she faked defiance

      "You told me you destroyed your planet"

     "I did"

"Then why am I hearing it's safe"

    "Because I saved it"

"And when did you do that", he raised his voice

    She began to shrink "on the day you and I went to hell"

  Damian looked shocked "That's impossible I was with you the entire.."

   "No you WEREN'T", she yelled back

"No you weren't, just try to remember"

   Damian thought back to that moment and remembered that just for a moment when he was busy fighting demons Raven slipped through his sight. He gritted his teeth.

   "Where did you.."

"I met someone", she interrupted "someone who could help"

  "How did you..

"It was a trade a piece of his power for a piece of mine"

    "Why did you...

"I was perfectly safe, there wasn't any real danger.."

   "You traded your power with a devil"

     "Not a devil but just a minor high ranking demon"


"I know I know it was reckless and stupid but I just had to do it", the tears were threatening to poor

    "Raven!! ",he was still angry.

"Damian please", the first year had fallen. Damian clenched his fist's and gritted his teeth "fine but when we get back you're going to tell everyone about this"

     Raven nodded weakly

Damian decided to let her be for the moment. He looked at zatana"we're leaving"

   "Fine by me, just stay safe"

"Thank you for your hospitality ", Damian was sincere

   Zatana was surprised"well that's a first, take care you two"

     "Raven let's go"


.......... ............
"We're here"

       "It's huge"
"I know "

     Starfire and Nightwing hid on high ground and observed the activities that occured  below them. At first they only saw a bunch of people scurrying around. I took them another minute to site the big picture. Starfire was the first to spot it.

    "Nightwing, look is that what I think it is"


"And is that who I think it is"


Starfire gulped "he's supposed to be dead"

Nightwing looked at her "so is your sister"
    She gulped again

  "I think we should leave"

"That's a good idea. Let's go star"


  Dear Garfield
           I have to tell you.....

Before he could go further a knock came from his door disrupting his focus. He crumpled the paper not wanting anyone to pay attention to it and shoved it in his pocket. He opened the door. It was Donna. She looked distressed.

   He asked concerned "There's a meeting"

    Garfield looked at her questionably.
She sighed "it's not good", she turned to leave "let's go"


       "You lied !
You lied!
     You lied!
     Raven you lied to us"

"Because.........  I was ....  ..... I was


                                                    ...  afraid"

Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now