Going Back

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     Emiko smiled victoriously as Raven left. She moved closer to Damian exclaiming "I'm glad she's gone, now you and I can finally be alone"

    Trapped in her own reverie Emiko failed to see the dark expression on Damian's face.

"Yes Dami"

    "Don't ever touch me again"

"What", shocked she looked at Damian in horror wondering what he meant by that

   In a split second he grabbed her arm and threw her onto the ground. Emiko rubbed her butt in pain.

   "Damian how could......
But before she could finished he held her neck with not much force but strong enough to block her air pipes. She was choking in years but Damian remained on moved.

       Pushing her to the wall, his hands still gripped around her neck he whispered into her ear his voice hoarse and cold "I don't care if our dads are in collaborations even if they were brother's I wouldn't hesitate to kill you, you crossed the line today by trying to harm my friend, you broke my boundaries by kissing and touching me with your filthy hand's".

     Emiko shook slightly not daring to say a word. He continued "This is the last time you hurt my friend, do you understand", she nodded "Good, and as from today I don't ever want to see your sorry face again, if I do you better run or I won't spare you go that", she nodded weakly.

    Seeing that the message got through Damian let go of her neck and she fell to the floor dejected. Damian wiped his hands in disgust. As he was about to walk away, Emiko finally found her strength and yelled

       "Why is it her, why not me, what does she have that I don't!!"

    Damian turned his stare deadly, but Emiko remained unmoving, she just had to know what was so special about that girl that had Damian swooning for her. Compared to looks, wealth, status, friends she was far more superior so why.

      Damian suddenly smiled, his smile was so creepy and full of mockery "it's simple really, unlike trash like you she has something only you could dream about, Class"

     Emiko lowered her face, even then she still didn't understand

     Damian sighed in annoyance "it's fine if you don't get it, I didn't really expect you too", He turned back "oh and before I forget, stop telling everyone we're dating, the mer sight of you makes me sick". Then just like that he left.

     Emiko stared at the sight of Damian's fleeting back, it was just like how they had first met, nothing changed except that now he looked even more distant and unreachable.

     Raven made sure to get rid of any signs of tears and feelings she's had from before. Her heart had already caved in the moment he let another girl get intimate with him. She felt wronged and used. At this point she was starting to believe that he was indeed just a rich Playboy like his father.   If Damian knew what she thought of him, he'd be pretty vexed. Well good, Raven thought he deserves it.

     Smiling self mockingly to herself, she reminisced all the time they had spent together, relenting on how foolish she was too let her emotions slip, well at least she had learnt her lesson, there was no point of feeling anything now. Damian made sure he took her heart as well, as if that wasn't enough.

    Cursing through her breath Raven quickly arranged herself as she caught the sight of Connor's hair at the corner of her eye.

   He was walking towards her with a can of soda in each hand. He handed her one and Raven appreciated the gesture. Taking it she took a sip, the cool sweet drink tasted bitter in her mouth, she had the urge to throw it away but knew she couldn't since it was bought with love.

    Starring at Connor who had most of his attention on his phone, Raven wondered what she had that was able to attract such a babe magnet.

    Aside from the fact that he was a bit full of himself, Connor was actually a sweet, funny, kind and hot guy. Raven wasn't about to sell herself for a bottle of soda if that's what you were thinking, she was just stating the obvious. She did like Connor but not as a romantic interest, he was too childish and in Soo many ways not her type, so don't even think about it.

   Still it warmed her heart how entirely sweet Connor was being right now    Why can't Damian be more like this?.

      Looking back at his face, Raven suddenly felt bad because she knew she couldn't return his feelings. Another heart just has to be broken today, even with that in mind she knew she had to break things up than falsely lead him to nothing but dream's.

   "Connor can we talk for a moment"

"Connor do you like me", his chicks flushed but he still nodded

   "Well I need you to stop doing that"

   "Why", he looked alarmed now

"Because you and I can't work"
"You're not my type"

        "I can become your type"
"I dislike your personality"

          "I can get a new one"

"Your ugly"

     "Technology has improved over the years I can always get plastic surgery"

    "Your hair is terrible"
"I'll do any style you want"

  "Connor I don't love you"
. . . .
       "I can make you fall in love of me, just give me a chance"

      "Believe me I won't"
                 "Is it because of him"

"What do you mean by is it because of him"

      "It's Damian isn't it"

"He has nothing to do with this"

    "Then why are you defending him"

"Listen, Damian means nothing to me, we're just good teammates and sparring partners that's it"

"The most importantly thing is I don't like you, and I never will"

    Accepting his fate, Connor gave Raven a quick, unexpected kiss. Raven remained stiff, she made no effort to move or respond.

  Feeling dejected, Connor let go of her

"I lost before I could begin", laughing mockingly to himself, Connor gave Raven a playful wink and a half hearted smile, then he left.

     Raven watched him leave. Her phoned beeped, she picked it up and took a look, it was a text from Dick, it said:

         Pack your things
         We're going back

Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now