Author's Note

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   Hey guys once again I am really sorry for this slow update and I'm even more sorry for not keeping the promise I made. I know it's no excuse but I just can't seem to focus, and this writer block thing has been holding me back for a while.

   The truth is I have a lot of stuff I'm going through that and a series of exams to prepare for both this year and the next, so I'd like to apologise to you for the inconveniences. I might not be able to update till December when my head becomes a bit cleared.

   Still I'd like to thank you all for being with me as I took this writing journey, your criticism and compliments really helped me a lot. Don't get me wrong I'm not quitting or anything, I'm just going for a long break and I will finish this book and many others.

    If you don't wish to wait and shift my work aside, I understand, I won't take it to heart so don't worry, still I really appreciate you guys for lending your eyes and ears. Just knowing at least fifty people and above took their time to read this makes me very happy, so thank you ❤️


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