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    The alarm rang out causing the Titans to stop their various activities and bolt out of their rooms in high alert.

    Once assembled Kori didn't waste any time and immediately explained the situation, then she assigned them their various tasks

     "Bluebeatle and Beast boy, you guys stay in between I want you to be our communicator. Connor and Donna you're on standby, you wait outside and watch out for any strange movements, if you see trouble don't forget to send the signal." Damian and Raven you'll be our spies, you need to get as much information as possible  and stop them from continuing, you, signal Beast boy and Bluebeatle for help if you need any, me and Nightwing would help clear the surroundings. Any questions "

    "Yes", Raven stepped forward "I think it would be better if I go with Gar". This took everybody by surprise. Robin was especially shaken up, but he chose not to voice his objections and decided to look at things from a clear point. To him this mission was more important, private matters could wait. Damian was aware that because of his past dealings with Raven their connection had been strained  and although it pained him he had to confess that he and Raven were no longer in sink at least for now, splitting up would be reasonable so without wasting time he decided to support her decision by changing his partners as well. After analyzing he chose a teammate that he felt was most compatible to go with him and complete the mission.

    "I think it would be best if me and Nightwing went instead"

    Shocked once more the Titans stared at Damian as if he was an alien. Everyone knew how Damian felt about his brother Nightwing. Sure they seemed fine on the surface but only the two of them knew how deep their grudges ran.

   Snapping out of her shock, Kori faced the two teens with serious eyes. They weren't joking.

    "May I know why?"
Before Raven could voice out her opinions Damian spoke first "I think it would be best because just knowing the fact that Raven is a demon princess should put all of us in a red light, for all we know our enemies aware of her powers could have coated the place with magic sensors or traps ready to go off when she comes near. Me and Nightwing on the other hand are very well verse with the art of stealth, plus we have a good arm of anti bugging devices in case they are listening, plus we work well together. I feel that this pairing would be more than effective if not one hundred percent more effective.

    Raven had no time to feel sorry for herself, she knew Damian was doing what he did for the mission and not just because he wanted to ignore her existence like he had been doing since that day.

     Nightwing was more stunned. He wasn't surprised at how analytic Damian's case was but about how he said they worked good together. But he didn't want to dwell much on that he felt that something wasn't right. This wasn't the only reason. Nightwing was sure of that.

     Kori not finding anything wrong with Damian's suggestion quickly agreed to it and read out the mission again.

      The moment Raven stepped foot in that ware house she knew something bad was going to happen. The question was what?.  Still feeling a bit eerie Raven tapped on her partner telling him to be a bit more cautious and observant. Starfire and blue Beatle had already taken out most of the current goons outside and we're carefully watching for more. Wonder girl and super boy took their place on standby waiting for more instructions. Robin and Nightwing had infiltrated the warehouse keeping in touch with the rest of the Titans.

   Nightwing's pov

I didn't like the look of the place. It was dark and spooky. The silence was unnerving I could hear my footsteps as I walked. It was louder than intended but not enough to alarm the enemy, that is if they're not already aware of our presence.

    Robin and I made our way through the passage, following the sound of metals clashing which Robin had identified not so long ago. The sound led us to a large cold room where frozen meat used to be stored. Although this room looks old and untouched a faint scent of fresh blood lingered as if an animal was newly butchered. As we moved closer the room got darker than the stench grew.
   Turning on our torches me and Robin looked around searching for clues. The temperature around us was slowly dropping and I was close to see my breath in the air. Yap this was the freezer alright.

        "I think you need to come see this"

End of his pov

    Meanwhile the super team where quietly waiting outside. "Wonder girl do you hear anything"

    "Shouldn't I be asking you that super boy, your the one with the ears"

   "You say that as If you're defenseless"

    "I might as well be if all I get to do is sit and watch. I never get in on any action"

   "Let's face it princess you're just too immature, and inexperienced"

    "Look who's talking"
"Hey don't align yourself with me I've been doing this since I was born literally and it may not look like it but I'm waay older than you"

  "Oh yeah well you......

Before she could finish super boy placed a finger on her lips. Closing his eyes he focused on his surroundings, his ears picking up any sound made. Then he heard it.

         There where two people one old and the other middle aged, they talked about demons and sacrifices. Something about a bird. Super boy came to a realization, he guessed when they said bird and sacrifice they were referring to Raven.

    Super boy shifted his ear towards the west, his finger no longer on wonder girls mouth.

     Leaning in wonder girl whispered into his other ear "what can you hear"

"I wouldn't be able to hear anything if you keep doing that"

       Super boy ignored her and focused on his mission. There was something familiar about the middle aged man's voice, he knew he had heard it somewhere else before the question was where.

     Tired of sitting in one place super boy got up to take a better look.  Wonder girl followed closely behind.

Star fire took out the last goon that was hiding, deciding to make use of the opportunity to get some answers, she decided to leave him somewhat conscious so she could interrogate him. Blue Beatle stood at the side observing.

     Lost in thought the serab brought him back into reality. "What's wrong"

    "I sense an undead presence similar to the alien princesses sister"

   Alert Blue Beatle looked around him but couldn't see anyone which was very strange since the serab never made mistakes.

    "Jamie behind --
Out of nowhere a dark hand stretched and grabbed Blue Beatle by the mouth, then another hand injected something to his serab. Alarmed Blue Beatle tried to warn star, but before he could his vision turned dark. The hand went back as quick as it came taking him with him.

Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now