Day 1 To The Mission

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     He stormed in without knocking. Raven was in the middle of her sit ups
  "What do you want now!?"

"You say that as if you don't already know"

      She paused. Looked up at him then continued "Am I supposed to"

    "So we're just going to ignore the dishes I'm holding"

    "As my butler shouldn't you keep me informed"

    In a flat tone "I don't recall agreeing to be your butler"

     "Oh ", she stopped gesturing to the dishes in his hand "then what are you then"

      "Your partner"
"Seems to me that all that's missing is a bow and a suit, then you'd be the perfect butler"

    "As much as that terrifies me , we have more pressing matters to discuss"

  "Right now"

"Shall I remind you of of our truce", he said in a warning tone

   Raven rolled her eyes"don't bother", getting up and whipping the dirt of her thighs, she turned to face him "I need no reminder of our prior agreement, although it was fun mocking you for the time being I will continue to uphold my part and won't argue with you further, but just give me ten minutes to freshen up then you shall have your audience.

    Damian nodded "very well then I would be back here ten minutes prior, I hope you won't deny me of my speaking then. Placing the dishes on the floor he left.

Once the boy wonder was gone Raven Shut her door immediately. The last thing she wanted was an accident to occur while she did her business. She was more than exhausted with embarrassing situations that involved both her and Damian.

   It didn't take long for Raven to tidy herself up, she barely used five minutes. Still she did use the extra time to tidy up her bedroom and rest before thinking to call her butler..... Partner to be exact, but she didn't need to. As promised Damian arrived exactly ten minutes later not sparing even a second. Raven secretly brooded how greedy he is with time in her heart.

     "Alright partner you have your audience now what is it you wish to tell me"

    Setting a table and creating space for both of them he signaled for her to join him "let's eat first then we'll converse"

   She raised a brow "I thought you were in a hurry"

  He replied sharply " I don't like the thought of my food getting cold"

     "I see"
Raven got down from her bed and joined him on the table

     "Alright then, let's not let your food get cold"

They ate silently


    "What do you make of it Kori"
""What do you mean?

Without removing his gaze from the screen Dick continued his statement

"The crimes"

"You mean the reset ones"


"Not much but since their centered around similar cases, I was able to get some clues"

"Such as"

"Well from my view these villains that we've faced before no longer move in different patterns"


"Their no longer as greedy or self-centered in their crimes as they were before"

"So you've noticed", smiling he asked "why do you think that is"

  "Well from our last infiltration I reckon their all being simultaneously controlled, it's the only way to explain their similar behavior patterns"

   "Right, it also explains why every villain we've identified before is working together and stealing numerous magical artifacts from ruins to national museum"

   What do you sujest we do Nightwing"

  Tapping a button on the smart computer then swiping out a flash drive from the side Nightwing held the device and faced his wife " well Starfire it seems you and I need to go out and have some alone time"

   "Dick don't jest about such things"

"I'm not I'm talking about patrolling the crime scenes together"

   "Well you should have just said so"

"So what is it you wanted to talk about". Now done with their meals the duo  were finally ready to talk.

   Clearing his throat Damian faced her "it's about your spell book"

   Alarm bells went haywire in Raven's mind but in reality she treeded him consciously "what's wrong with my spell book"

   "Nothing", he assured her I just wanted to know if you've found anything useful"

   "As much as I hate to admit it I've hardly gone halfway, there are still a lot of things I can't make out yet"

   "How much time do you need"

"I don't know it could take weeks or months to finish"

    "Raven we don't have much time"

"I know that which is why I'm working on it 24/7 even as I train"

   "That's not enough"

"And what about you ", she said accusingly

   "And, what about me", his ears piercing

"Your dagger, have you figured out what it's for"

    "Raven it's a dagger so I already know...."

"Wrong Damian if you knew anything about magic you'd know that that isn't just an ordinary dagger, I mean it has a bunch of hydrographics encrypted on it"

   Sighing in defeat Damian pressesd his arms together "I didn't know that"

   "See I'm not the only one who......

"Why don't we meet Constantine"

"Who, when"

"Tomorrow, let's meet both him and zatana".

   "Do you know what your saying?"jumped Raven

Damian raised an eyebrow"well do you have a better idea"

  "No I suppose not"

"Then it's been decided, tomorrow we will meet Constantine and zatana and inquire about our weapons"



Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now