Little Miss Princess

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        Alice pov

'Today is the day I can finally score Damian Al ghoul attention , after all I'm the very best not to mention beautiful and drop dead gorgeous all men tremble beneath my feet and who doesn't love a cute blonde even Damian Al ghoul can't resist me for long,  he will be mine,  and that Goth chick will be just yesterday news'

        Alice stared at the mirror with determination and  one goal in mind which she intended on achieving.
         By the end of today Damian Al Ghoul will be mine!


The titans were busy in the training room facing their usual routine. Kori was assisting blue beetle with his alien life form. Dick was going solo, Garfield was intent on sparing with Raven who was busy meditating and young Damian was nowhere to be seen.

   "Gar do you want to be sent to the trash hole so you could reunite with your long lost lucky dirty socks, because I can help you with that", she said sincerely not a hint of bluff in her tone.

     "so it was you who got rid of my lucky socks"
"yes it was indeed me who threw it out"

      Garfield couldn't believe his ears he didn't know whether to laugh or cry and the fact that she wasn't even denying it was too much.


"it was gross worn put and smelt like expired milk that had been left in the sun for too long, I was doing everyone a favor by destroying that disgusting thing"

     Garfield decided to shut up knowing there was no way he could win this argument with her the only person who was capable of that was Damian,  who would not just go head on but become victorious as well. This made Garfield burn in jealousy.

Raven sensing his change of mood opened one of her eyes and quickly glanced at him. "what's wrong", with her eyes still closed she raised an eyebrow. Damians signature look "don't tell me you're mad"

Garfield immediately came back to his senses and calmed down
        "why on earth would I be mad,  it was just some old sock"

      "good I'm glad you realized that, and if you don't mind" she turned her back to him" get lost I'd like to meditate in peace"

"can we please spar after"

"just one round" he begged

And just like that poor Garfield was shut down.

Damians pov

   While the rest of the titans were busy in the training room I  decided to do some more intense training. And by intense I mean fighting half of Zacks guards in the open field while he watched. They dropped like flies on the floor and Damian wasn't using his full strength.

     "you fight like an Al ghoul Wayne"
"and your soldiers fight like middle grade criminals zack", came Damians sharp reply as he gave the last one of the guards a swift kick bringing him to the ground.

"that's a bit insulting Al ghoul "

"please I was being pitiful", Damian scoffed.

Wiping his knuckles with his handkerchief,  Damian walked over to where Zack stood. Zack smiled "I believe you know what today is"

       Damian rolled his eyes "how could I forget with you constantly reminding me"

"just making sure", then his smile faded and his expression became serious "have you made a decision"
          "unfortunately yes"
"so you're going along with the plan"

Damian sighed but nodded

                "good then let's get you ready"

At the dinning hall Zack called for  everyones attention including the Titans.

"hello everyone I just wanted to inform you that there would be a party celebrated tonight in honor of my sister"

    Round of applause could be heard
"As some of you know today is her birthday "

More round of applause and  a whistle could be heard

"well here she is now"

Alice came outside of a hidden door given everybody a surprise as she majestically walked over to her brother in nothing but a tight body hugging-sexy revealing-short-blue dress and white silver hills showing off her long beautiful legs. What's more shocking was that Damian was accompanying her in a dark blue suit with his her jelled back. They walked hand in hand with Alice beaming like a Christmas tree and Damian void of all emotions.

Both Raven and Dick almost choked on their drinks causing them to spit it outside.  What made Raven really disgusted was the way Alice was clinging to Damian and Dick couldn't just believe his eyes. He didn't know what was more shocking. The fact that Damian actually agreed to put on a suit and tie or the fact that he was being held by a girl without throwing her off.

Raven was still eyeing them till Zack said "don't they make the cutest couple"

Cutest couple my foot. That should be me holding his hand

Came off as Ravens  thought and she was shocked by her own pouring jealousy.

What left them all speechless was when Alice grabbed the Mike from her brother and said "I will be accompanied to the party with my new boyfriend Damian Al ghoul"

And that was it,  she lost it

Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now