The Plan To Azarath

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Gar touched the paper in his pocket giving it a light squeeze.  "Some good news will be nice", everyone nodded simultaneously, except Damian who felt like it was essential for the bad news to be said first but chose to keep that thought to himself.

    "Okay"Nightwing continued "so the good news is", he paused "We know the location of the rest of the team". This brought smiles. He continued "and their in good condition", even more smiles.

   "Now here's the bad news", the smiles dropped a little, he looked at Raven"the portal to bring back Trigon will soon be completed, infact a day from now and they'll be done, which means Raven will soon become their target, but before it gets too that we need to stop him"

  "I might know how to", Raven stepped up "but to do that I need to go to my home planet"

   "Azarath", he asked for confirmation

"I'll go with you"said Damian, he walked towards her "somebody needs to keep you in check"

    Nightwing nooded "Damian and Raven will go to Azarath while the rest of us will go save Jamie and Connor", Donna's eyes sparkled and kori looked concerned

    "Just the two of them are you sure it's going to be alright"

     Nightwing assured her "They can handle it"

       "Tch, of course we can. Let's go already"

   "Wait", Nightwing held them back "There's something I forgot to mention. It's been confirmed Brother blood is alive"

This left everyone feeling a little uneasy, but Nightwing wasn't done.

   "There's one more. Someone else, someone powerful, skilled and with a lot of connections is playing us behind the scenes, so everyone be careful".

  when the two teens had left the rest of the team Damian raised a question

"Do I need space gear?

"That's not necessary", Raven replied"just bring the dagger my magic will suffice".

   "Already with it"

Raven was not surprised

"Alright let's go then. Azarath Metrione Zenthose"


"Nightwing how much longer"

           "Yeah we've been hiding here for 30 minutes", whined Wonder Girl

Beast boy was silent his hand in his pocket. Lost in thought

    Nightwings calm voice lingered in the air "I know you guys are worried especially you star fire but we can't just rush in or we'll put the whole mission in danger. I know it's hard but just wait a little longer"

      Beast boy finally spoke putting the others at ease by asking what they've been asking themselves "yes but what exactly are we waiting for"

     "A signal"

"From who?"

Nightwing smiled "a friend"

Damian smelled death. It was a weird scent. He looked at the massive pile of ruin's in front of him. This was supposed to be Azarath or at least what's left of it from Trigons parade.
The planet was almost completely destroyed held together by a slim thread. 

   "So this is your house"

Raven walked past him "it's a planet not a house"

         "You know what I mean"

"And yes this was my home. Was"

"I thought you said you were keeping it alive", question Damian or was that a lie too

"It takes a considerable amount of energy and power to keep a planet alive and an annoying Devil at bay in my head. Of course I couldn't restore everything", she said in spite to herself. It was like she was mocking herself and her decision but still she knew there was no turning back. She could only move forward

Damian didn't like seeing Raven like that but it was not like he intends to offer comfort. If anything he felt she deserved everything that was happening and part of him was still mad at her for private reasons even though he was the one who said to let bygones be bygones.

He was losing his patience though. "So you were saying"

Raven snapped out of her craze "oh right although I wasn't able to restore everything I was able to protect the important parts"

    "And by important parts you mean.."

"Yes. Azarath is split into two halves. This is the first one"

    "The one in ruins"

"And the second half"

       "The one you kept alive"
"Is over there", Raven pointed to the far end of the first half.

   Damian saw nothing but knew not to question so he just looked at her and said "lead the way"

A friend. Who is this friend. Do I know him or her.

   Just when Starfire was about to ask who the friend was. Nightwing yelled 'NOW' and before she knew it a black large pool appeared below them and then she and the rest of the team had vanished from their original spot and transferred to a cold large metal room. They landed on their butts. Starfire got up freezing

    "It's so cold in here where are we.
"It's a cellar. This is where they keep all their captives"

Starfire's eyes widened"you mean". Nightwing nodded "all the dead victims of this cult.

Starfire looked around and saw a lot of naked humans mainly young females in their teens hanging on the walls like meat in display. Wonder girl was ready to vomit and beast boy just turned away, not wanting to see anymore.

    Nightwing kept a straight face. He's seen a lot of dead bodies before back in Gotham so I didn't come as a surprise to him.

He looked at his team

"This is where Jamie and Connor are being held".

  Everyone looked at him in horror Wonder girl was ready to faint. Nightwing reassured them. ,"Don't worry their alive, Blue beetle has his scarab and super boys indestructible. The cold won't affect them much"

   "But still we need to hurry or they'll fall into an even greater danger. Brother blood intends to preserve them here before their blood would be used.

Starfire snapped out of it. Wonder girl and Beast boy put on a brave face.

Nightwing nodded "alright team let's move, Blue beetle and Super boy aren't far. Let's go get our teammates back"

    They didn't speak but everyone new how the other felt. It was unanimous. Once they found their teammates Brother blood and whoever else is behind all these murder was going to pay.

The Titans where out for blood, but they weren't the only ones. After all Raven did forget to mention something.

Happy New Year Everyone 🥳




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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08 ⏰

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