The Move

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     What stood before them that was once a place of happy memories and warmth, now stood a pile of rubble. The tower had been home for them for years, it sheltered them from the rain, it gave them comfort, privacy and anything they could ask for, their once lovely home now layed destroyed.

   No one said a thing, the air was filled with a deadpan silence.

     Damian, Dick and Kori shared a look before they simultaneously ran into the tower with the other Titans following behind them.

    The main three headed to the computer room, and sure enough all their tech was stolen, along with all their files and information, data, resources, documents computers on containing info on all villains, as well as the Titans themselves, all gone.

     Fear gripped them, after all if their identities we're exposed, it could be traced back to their loved ones.

    Damian, Raven, Connor and the team leaders didn't have much to worry about, considering Raven had no family member, Damian and Dick weren't as careless as to leave private information about themselves in the tower, Batman already had that covered, Connor just got here and Starfire was an alien princess refuge in a Faraway planet, so they had less things to worry about, Jamie and the rest of the team however had much more to worry about.

    Although these five we're practically considered safe, their weaknesses and training session on how they move and represent their skill were clearly stated on that file.

   Dick and Kori gave each other a worried look. This alerted the other Titans.

    "Does this mean we have no home anymore", asked Gar as he clutched his letter

     "Hold on hermano", Jamie turned to Nightwing "do you have any idea who could have done this, and more importantly will my family somehow get implicated by this?"

      "Do I have to return back to themiscera"

    "Is this the end of Teen Titans?"

Everyone was talking, worrying and complaining all at once. It broke Starfire's heart to see her teammates like this, as a leader she felt like she failed.

    Raven and Damian remained silent admits the caos, they were both analyzing the situation before hand. Their home was already destroyed what was the use crying over it.

     Finally fed up with all the commotion, Dick decided to pick then as the best moment to display his leadership qualities.

   "Quiet!!"  Everyone immediately stopped talking and faced Nightwing.

  "I know you're all very tired and very upset, heck so am I, but we can't let this experience bring us down", we're Titans for crying out loud and frankly we've been through worse situations like this, and I promise no one's family is going to get hurt"

      Everyone seemed to brighten up after nightwings pep talk, it seemed like all wasn't sooo hopeless, they were going to get through this, they had to or they wouldn't be living up to their name.

  Seeing everyone had calm down Damian decided to tell Night Wing his speculation, pulling his annoying half brother to a corner, he began to speak.

   "I think I can be able to retrieve all the information we lost"

"Idiot!", Damian quickly pulled his hand over his brothers mouth, careful to not alert the team "Tch! how did I end up having a brother as stupid as you, keep your voice down idiot"

   Nightwing caughed composing himself but still his excitement could not be easily compressed, Damian was silently fuming.

    "I'm not sure yet but with my skills I'll surely be able to track them down so long as they log on to a computer"

   "That's wonderful, I guess we don't have to get to worked up then"

  Damian smirked"oh I wouldn't say that, after all it is possible they've already logged on and started downloading our data"

      Hearing that Grayson's face paled he hoped it was the former and not the latter

    Damian left Grayson stunned and was ready to start working.
     "Oh, Grayson of course if that ever happens I'll have to destroy all the information before they get to it"

     Dick nodded in other standing, it was their best option, he'd rather let years of hard work of collecting information and streams of important data be destroyed than handed down to his enemies.

    Damian nodded in acknowledgement, though he still didn't pass Dick a glance as he headed to the garage to obtain his stash of secretly hidden super and micro computers he guessed he'd be needing.

   While he was busy setting up his own personal lab Dick went ahead to spread the good news

      "Guys Damian has a solution, we might just be able to get that info back"

   Kori leaped for joy and gave Dick a few kisses on the cheek, Jamie was feeling relieved, Donna was dreaming of how great her idol is, Connor was fuming with jealousy and Gar..... Well he wasn't really bothered by what went on, he kept staring at the letter in his hands, deep in thought, Raven just looked indifferent.

   She looked up at Dick "where is he now?"

   "At the garage"

"Thanks", said Raven leaving the two couples to show their display of affection.

  Damian had already checked the security cameras he installed without anyone knowing and his instincts were right, the guys they've been trying to get a hold on for months was responsible for the destruction of their loved tower and stolen tech.

   Damian's speculations also proved to be right, his guess was that they attacked not to long ago, meaning they must be near by.

   Seeing him struggle,the dark mage slowly approached him taking a seat beside him, picking a computer, she decided to help in his pursuit.

  Damian greeted his teeth
"What are you doing here Roth"

Raven ignored him and continued her work, not sparing him even a glance, no  that would be too merciful.

  "I'm more than capable of handling this by my...

"Oh can you please just shut up", Damian was taken aback her tone was icy, cold *I'm not doing this for you I'm doing it for the team, it's obvious you can't handle it, we have a serious crises on our hands, yet here to are acting like a three year old, well I'm tired of your messed up shit"

Damian didn't respond, he faced his computer, his eyes devoid of all emotions.

      Even when him and Raven we're done he still didn't say a thing. Raven had to explain the situation.
     "We were able to retrieve most of the information back, however we had to destroy the rest I'm afraid, even more so we failed to track down their location"

  "That's okay", said Dick, "you guys did good", he gestured to her and Damian.

   "Right, team me and Nightwing have some news to share", piped Kori

    "Yes we found a temporary home"

"Where is it", asked Conor

  "Wayne Manor"😰

OMG this is my 50, chapter, so happy two years anniversary. Tap it's been two years since I started Damirea we are meant to be together, and can I just say it's been fun, and thank you guys for all your love and support, originally I thought of giving up this piece, but you guys gave me hope so thank you😭, I love you all💞, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

     It's 2022 babies, so put on your party shoes because it's about to get fu_unky


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