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My mind was still trying to process things but I had to keep my thoughts aside for now, besides I can't be absent minded in a battle only a fool would do such things.

I longed my sword at him, he dodged it quickly, he was fast but I was faster. I gave him a quick kick in his belly and he went tumbling down, he got up coughing glad to see I did some damage.

We went head to head, fist to fist, I had to admit he had grown stronger and his technique was less accurate so I found it hard to read his moves, I kept my composure straight and kept moving forward.

He threw a blow at my jaw, it was to quick so I couldn't duck in time, I stumbled backwards clutching my jaw as I spit out blood, luckily nothing was broken.
I think that finally woke the team up because they decided to attack.

Starfire shot green rays at him but he managed to dodge every one of them without a scratch. Beast boy turned into a cheetah and ran after him, using his claws as a weapon. Red X easily knocked beast boy out, he turned to starfire but before he could do anything, nightwing was already high in the air using his grapling hook for support he sent a swift kick at Red X making him fly like a bird and crashing into the wall   
like a plane Connor tried to do something but failed miserably. Scuff. I always knew he was weak

While the fight was going on, I took some time to  study Red X supposed new moves there was something awfully familiar about them, they matched with the same style as the collinery assassins, the AL ghouls long rival if I was right then this had to be  connected to them.

Red X

Weak!!    I thought the titans would be better than this, thanks to the boss in question, their a bunch of flies next to me, the only one of them that managed to get a good hold on me was that Robin kid, so he might be a problem, I'll have to inform Him when I get back to the lair.

I got up from where I crashed landed, my watch started beeping, looks like my time is up. I'm done with this fight.

I looked up I was surrounded by all the titans now, the meddling brats were seriously trying to annoy me.

"sorry guys but I'm afraid I'll have to cut this fight short but it's been fun "

I decided to leave my little friends a gift before leaving after all it's the polite thing to do, so I dropped a little teddy bear on the floor, something I stole from joker at my visit in Gotham ,ha good times.

Before anyone could move any further I threw three smoke bombs and disappeared leaving them all stunned I'm sure .

Beast boy pov
Okay that was just weird do all villains have a watch that tells them their tea is ready or what, am I missing something here. I glanced at starfire who was probably thinking the same thing. NightWing was trying to process things to, Connor was looking at of place as if confused of what just happened, probably is, I know I am, Raven was talking to her twisted father, Jamie was in a deep conversation with his bug and Damians attention was fully on the stuffed teddy Red X left which nobody seemed to notice.

I was just glad to be alive.

"come on guys let's go home I'm starving "

"hold on beast boy don't move ", demanded Robin

"what know Robin we one didn't we"

"not quite ",  said Night Wing as he faced Robins direction. He pointed to the stuffed bear on the floor everyone turned to look as well "that is no ordinary bear......"

    "it's a bomb"said Robin completing Dicks sentence. "any sudden moves and it blows,  a little trinket from the joker I'm sure"

          "right ", said Dick

"so what do we do know ", asked Connor

"we either try to defuse it or contain it somewhere so it could blow up without harming anyone ", answered Damian

"okay so obviously we can't do the first one without getting close, which leads to the second option, so how are we going to do that ", I asked

"simple, Raven"


"could you open up a portal to a garbage dimension of some sort close enough to the bomb "

"I can do that but how do we get it in ",she asked

"that's easy Connor will do it"

Connors pov
"what" I yelled "why me "I asked

     "because your the fastest one here thus the only one that can get the bomb in time "Damian said bluntly

      "can't there be another way", I looked at Starfire and Night Wing , their the leaders

  "I think Damian is right, that does seem like the logical option ", said Kori
    " I agree too unless you have any other ideas ", insinuated Night Wing

    "I......uh ", let's face it I got nothing

"then that settles it Damian please continue ",said Kori

"like I was saying before being rudely interrupted ", he looked at me, I coughed avoiding his gaze "when Raven conjurs the portal, super boy over here would use his speed to get it in before it explodes "

   "but what if it explodes before then won't Connor get hurt ", asked Jamie.

I was glad someone cared, because I had a feeling Damians trying to murder me ,glad I wasn't the only one.

"not in the slightest after all he has superman's genetics thus he's practically indestructable ", Damian explained

Oh right forgot about that, let's just get this over with.

Ravens pov
I couldn't help but admire how quick Damians brain works and how fast he could handle the slightest of situation without even blinking, just like a true Leader would. I found myself drulling  over him, don't know why though.

I snapped out of my daze when Damian called my name.

"Raven "

"huh... "

"are you okay ",he asked a hint of worry in his eyes "if you think this is to much for you I will find another..... "

"no it's fine Damian I can do it, I was just thinking that's all "

"okay but tell me when you get tired okay "
He is so considerate .
         " Okay "
"on my signal open up the portal as close you can get to the bomb "

I nodded, indicating I understood

"three... two.."

I quickly opened up a portal very close to the teddy that would be the death of our lives. I always knew those things were dangerous, you could never trust a thing that was too cute.

As soon as I did that Damian gave another count down but for Connor, who quick flew with great speed arms forward pointing towards his target.

The bomb feeling the vibration and movement started to tick it's black eyes turning red showing us it was on and ready to blow, but before it did Connor had already pushed it in and I closed the portal.

Immediately Connor came back everyone  except Damian and me congratulated him, he looked quite pieced actually. I was getting a strong emotion from him could it be.........


Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now