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          "You can leave if you want to"
Garfield jilted up, stunned at the sight of the last person he wanted to see at the moment, standing at the door with a blank expression.

        "No, that wouldn't be fair to you"
Alice broke out in a laugh of self redicule for a moment she thought he actually cared but no... Judging by the conflicted look in his eyes, it looked like he was thinking of abandoning her.
I barely even know him, yet why do I feel so sad and reluctant.... Whatever

    "Don't worry about getting a beating from my brother I'll make sure you leave here unscathed"

    "That's not what I'm worried about"
    "Then what is it then, afraid I'll get upset"
        He nodded
Alice mumbled under her breath"yah right, stop lying"

    "What was that"
"I said get going it's not like there's a place for you here"

   Garfield didn't know why but he felt a pain in his chest when those words left her mouth.

      Why am I feeling this way

Just then there was a knock on his door.

     This was not the time

" Hey Armano!!"


     It was just Jamie
"What is it!!" Gar yelled through the door

"It's Kori, she called for a meeting"

"Okay", he glanced at Alice "I'll be right there"

  "See their already looking for you", Alice didn't know why, but she couldn't control the sudden tears that fell from her eyes, she didn't know why she was sooo emotional, she just felt like her whole world was coming down at the moment.

     Seeing her tears, Gar felt even more pain than before, he immediately pulled her to a tight embrace, he wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight as she broke into light sobs.

    He rubbed her back, a sweet comfortable silence stretched between, then slowly he pried her away from his arms and whipped the remaining tears on her face.

    "I'm not leaving you. This is my last mission with the Titans", he made her face him "okay", she nodded slightly
    "Once I help complete the mission, I'll come running straight back"

She nodded again. He caressed her face gently "just hold on until then"

Pressing their foreheads together, they made a silent promise, to be at each other's side.

   Although it was early to do duch, since they were eventually going to get married with Gar as the new  leader of the assassin's, but that's going to happen much later.

   At the meeting
        Everyone except Raven who left a message for her reason for departure was present. According to Donna, her father was acting up again and she needed time to keep him by arms length. Damian couldn't help but snort at that
He knew exactly what was going on and why she refused to show, she was obviously ignoring him. He didn't like the feeling.

   Seeing as everyone except the dark mage was present, Kori took it upon herself to start the meeting.

   "As you all know the main reason why we've come here, I would like to say there would be no longer a need to continue our stay here, since our mission has been completed. Nightwing if you will"

  Nightwing stood up facing the super teens before him "thank you Starfire,  we've already found the information we need as well as the next place the association plan to strike next with the help of Damian", everyone turned to look at the boy bat, in admiration, acknowledging his efforts.

"so pack your bags everybody, we're going back to jump city", announced Kori"and that concludes our meeting, so start packing your bags we leave at dawn".

  A whole day seemingly went by as both leaders got up at the break of done ready to rid everyone of their precious slumber only to find out Damian and Raven we're already up before them and had taken the liberty to wake the rest of the team. Dick and Kori gave themselves a knowing glance.

   They all had their bags. Kori checked if everything was truly in other before saying "alright since everyone's here let's proceed"

   Raven opened up a portal, but before anyone could step through, a loud voice erupted through the air

It was Alice, she was running frantically towards them, waving a white envelope.

As soon as she caught up to them, she took some time to breathe, panting heavily. Gar looked concerned, "hey are you..."

"Here" she said between breaths "take this", she handed him the letter

   "Don't open it till your done with the mission", she instructed
    Gar took the letter, he took his time to admire the equsitness of the paper, there was a silver seal on it with a black arrow embedded into it. It was the seal of the bohemian clan.
           Giving a quick hug to Alice, he whispered in her ear "I'll be back"
           "I know"
He left her, his body suddenly feeling cold, missing her warmth.

    Raven raised her eyebrows in question, but Alice just turned away and Garfield went through the portal, seeing this, she looked to Damian subconsciously, but he remained indifferent, Raven quickly looked away, she wasn't going to give in so easily.

  One after the other they all went through the portal, till Raven was last.

  She stepped in closing the portal behind her.

    Alice waved them goodbye, a dark figure from behind secretly watching as they left, he didn't come out until Alice went in, and then he sighed.

  "Finally, peace and quiet", he silently prayed he'd never see anyone of them in his turf again.

As soon as Raven reached the other side, she was ready to head back to her room for some rest and herbal tea, but instead of the warm comfort of her home, she was met with the shocked and dejected faces of her teammates. Not Damian though, his face remained emotionless, but she still felt his pain nevertheless.

They each stared in one direction, Raven followed their line of sight, only to find herself stunned as well, her body flowed with anger

    "Who did this?, Who's responsible, when I find that person I'll send them to Oblivion", her gaze was deep and saw was her voice.
   Damian caught her stare, and for what seemed like forever, they came to an agreement.

   Whoever did this was going to pay dearly........


Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now