Girl fight

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A huge fight broke out between the two girls Raven longed at Alice ,who dodged her attack easily. Alice drew out her sword ready to strike. Raven said in a mocking laugh "really too weak to fight me alone, using a weapon as a shield, where's the fun in that "

Alice dropped her sword then kicked it to the side, she smirked at Raven eyebrows raised in question

Ugh such a Damian move, this girl even copies whatever he does despicable

"then what do you suggest ", she asked the demoness
"how about some old fashioned hand to hand if you think your up to it "

"oh I am ", Alice cracked her knuckles and twisted her neck, the sounds of bones cracking due to the stretches could be heard by everyone.

Raven waved a whirlpool of purple magic over her self, engulfing herself in the dark energy, chanting this three all to familiar words

Azerath Metrion  Zenthos !

In a matter of seconds Ravens outfit had completely changed, the dark cloak she once wore was replaced by a loose grey top, black shorts with white sneakers. Her hands were rapt in bandages and her hair was packed into a short pony tail. Now she was ready for a fight.

Damian and Dick wanted to intervene afraid one of them would get hurt Damian mostly cared about Ravens outcome after the match.  As the both of them moved forward, Zack stopped them.

Damian squinted his eyes annoyed, his voice in its usual  sharp and husky tone , he calmly told Zack "step aside. or you'll test the tip of my blade",

He didn't say the last sentence, he said move aside giving him the chance to obediently leave  before he starts his threats .

Zack although sensing his strong imposing aura he stood his ground, not budging from his spot, in a cool calm voice he advised "you have to let  them fight it's only way to exhaust the negative energy and anger if they hold back it would only intensify making it dangerous for them to stay in the same room together for even a second without blowing up ",  there were some truth to his words Night Wang acknowledged this and agreed with him, Damian could only greet his teeth in annoyance. If  happens don't say I didn't warn you.

The girls not waiting for a bell ring began . Alice threw swift punches not overdoing it so she could fully observe her opponent tactics . Raven was doing something similar but with a little more speed. She gave a swift kick landing on Alice delicate face that was now stained with her blood. Alice held her nose broken.  Fuck!  Your Dead Witch !

Okay Alice was filled with rage, there's no way she's loosing to a Goth girl in dark ankle boots. That was simply an insult to her name . But even she had to admit Raven had the upper hand being a sorceress and all that.

Alicia somersaulted in the air and came crashing down with her two legs pressed together heading for Ravens head with full impact and lightning speed.
Raven managed to dodge getting her head outside of the way but instead, she was hit straight in the abdomen, she stumbled back clutching her stomach, coughing a mixture of blood and Silvia.

Damian winced at the effect as if he was the one receiving the pain, so did everyone else behind him, he wanted to rush over there and stop the whole thing, attending to Ravens wounds, but he knew better than that, if he stopped them now there still would be grudges and unsettled disputes that would bring a much bigger brawling next time so for now he stayed down carefully observing the two girls.

Raven spit a chunk of saliva that landed on the hard concrete floor, dissolving in the earth, she looked at Alice, half of her purple hair covering her left eye, preventing the crowd from seeing it. Her right eye left exposed so Alice could see it was glowing red filled with killing intent, she looked exceptionally scary .

Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now