Bumping into the Enemy

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Now matter how she looked at it she felt out of place. Emiko was really starting to regret her choice of movie. It was a basic romance novel, nothing out of the norm, it was the plot that irked her. Two best friends madly in love with each other but a crazy rich girl keeps trying to come in between. Why did it all seem like they were referring to her relationship with Damian and Raven, she didn't like the comparison. Even in the movie they made the rich girl seem like an idiot.

There was also a the feeling of loneliness, this was clearly a double date but why did it seem like a meet up with friends, she came here hoping to get close to Damian, but the latter even ignored her and was having a small chat with the enemy, even that Connor boy got into the discussion while she was completed left out.

Finally after what seemed like hours the movie ended. With a sigh of relief Emiko smiled then forcibly grabbed Damian by the arm forcing him to stand up with her.

Then with a cute sarcastic tone she excused herself saying "sorry guys It's been fun and all but me and Dami have other plans soooo"

Her intentions were obvious, too bad Raven didn't buy it "that's alright we'll just join you, it would be too disrespectful to leave since you already invited us, this is a double date after all there's no need to feel pressured"

Emiko could only grit her teeth in anger and regret. After all she was the one who told them to tag along. While Emiko was busy waning to slap
herself for her stupidity, Raven was enjoying every bit of her misery.

'Want to get rid of me I'm afraid it's not that easy'

"Fine then, come on Dami I know a fine place"

Raven really wasn't surprised. She knew Emiko's thought, it wasn't that hard to read her she was like an open book. Raven knew Emiko would take them to an extremely fancy restaurant to show off her mannerism and laugh at our poor demeanor, well then she was in for a big surprise.

On entering the building Raven gazed at the walls and decorations nodding in appreciation for the interiors used. It was clear as day that this place belonged to the Emiko's. Once again her intentions were very clear.

A waiter led them to a table of four. Emiko originally wanted to ditch the other couple and head on to a private suit with Damian but she decided against it. It wouldn't look good on her part and she wanted to remain her gentle and kind image in front of Damian. So even if she was a bit reluctant they all say together.

Connor took one look at the menu and his sockets bulged out. He didn't have enough money to afford this, but what was up with the bill was the food made of gold, even Raven was a bit surprised but she didn't show it but she was mocking in her mind

'Wow the Emiko family sure know how to scam other's, no wonder their filthy rich, just the stench alone reaches numbers.'

Emiko was itching to say something sarcastic and mean, like the low life she was, she couldn't keep it in at all

"So what's the problem Raven can your date not afford to chaperone you"

Raven just raised an eyebrow "what do you mean by that, this is your restaurant right?"

"Yeah so what"
"Are you an idiot, of course that means it's free, your not actually charging us in your own restaurant are you"

Emiko was stunned for a minute, if she said she wanted them to pay in her restaurant she would appear fickle and greedy, if she said yes she wouldn't seem all that generous, because she practically owns the whole place, so a free meal seems like nothing, but it didn't give her that much good points, still Emiko wasn't willing to admit defeat.

"Yes but my dad told me my private matters shouldn't affect his business sooo"

"But didn't you treat your entire class here just last week for free?", This time it was Connor that spoke, he remembered hearing it on TV, it was one of the biggest partys of the year, the whole restaurant was shut down and no one could get in. For someone like Connor who was mad for gossip it was hard for him not to pay attention.

Emiko found herself in an awkward spot, even Damian was looking at her strangely so much so that she began to sweat. She had totally forgotten about that, before she could come up with a cover up Raven dropped her own bomb shell. "Your daddy's little princess aren't you so I don't think he'll mind, if you still feel on easy you could just pay for us, it's your treat remember, either way, I came here because you asked, so you have to take care of us, but now that I think about it you've been treating us like strangers and not as friends I gotta say, I thought our bond ran deeper than that, I feel hurt"

Raven wasn't one to pout but she did anyway irritating the latter. Emiko was about to go crazy, she never new that Rebecca girl could be so shameless wasn't she the one that denied their relationship and said they weren't close, forcing her to tag them along on what should have been a romantic date with Damian.

Swallowing her pride she brought out her credit card and placed it on the table praising her self. "Dinners on me", she yelled vigorously. Connor cheered, Raven rolled her eyes, and Damian just remained silent.

....... ..
After dinner Raven excused herself to use the bathroom, after some minutes Damian followed suit.

Raven felt someone grab her hand from behind and she immediately got alert. She was pinned to the wall. Using her elbow she hit the guy in the stomach causing him to take a step back. Raven turned ready to land a punch but stopped halfway as she neared the perps face.

Clutching his stomach, Damian held her arm "Raven we need to talk"

Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now